About SDL_CreateYUVOverlay

Dear everyone,

SDL_Overlay *SDL_CreateYUVOverlay(int width, int height, Uint32 format,SDL_Surface *display);
what is relation about the returned SDL_Overlay instance and SDL_Surface instance display.

do it convert SDL_Surface’s data to SDL_Overlay’s data by format when call SDL_CreateYUVOverlay function?



2009/7/17 kedahanzi <kedahanzi at 163.com>:

Dear everyone,

what is relation about the returned SDL_Overlay instance and?SDL_Surface

do it convert SDL_Surface’s data to SDL_Overlay’s data by format when
call??SDL_CreateYUVOverlay function?

Display is left over from when everyone figured multiple windows would
be handled by multiple display surfaces.
It indicates which display surface to draw the overlay over.
Since there is only one display surface, display must be set to the
surface created by SDL_SetVideoMode.