Android bluetooth controllers

I’m trying to add support for Android bluetooth game controllers to the SDL ports of my games, specifically the MOGA controllers (they gave me some free ones in exchange for adding support). I have game controller support working in my other SDL ports to Linux and Mac and Windows, but on the Android builds I see nothing. I know the controller is paired properly, because my older, non-SDL Android port already has support and is still working, but I’d like to kill the non-SDL stuff ASAP. Is there anything special I have to do for Android controllers? Or perhaps are these MOGA controllers weird and maybe I need to add support for them separately, since I had to use their third-party library in my older ports?

Are you using 2.0.1 or the absolute latest in Mercurial? Android
joystick support landed 3 months ago, right after 2.0.1 shipped:

–ryan.On 3/3/14, 3:18 PM, rippon wrote:

I’m trying to add support for Android bluetooth game controllers to the
SDL ports of my games, specifically the MOGA controllers (they gave me
some free ones in exchange for adding support). I have game controller
support working in my other SDL ports to Linux and Mac and Windows, but
on the Android builds I see nothing. I know the controller is paired
properly, because my older, non-SDL Android port already has support and
is still working, but I’d like to kill the non-SDL stuff ASAP. Is there
anything special I have to do for Android controllers? Or perhaps are
these MOGA controllers weird and maybe I need to add support for them
separately, since I had to use their third-party library in my older ports?

Ahh, that would explain that then! I’ll just wait for 2.0.2 - should be pretty soon, given that you’re doing RCs, right?

Also, I know iOS controllers won’t be part of 2.0.2, but do you guys need any help with them for 2.0.3? I have one of each model that is on the market so far.