Android targeting SDK 34 crashs

Hello, I’ve tried targeting SDK 34 and it crash’s. 33 works. I’ve tried a few SDL 2, SDL 3 with no success. I’m clueless what is happening.

What’s the stack trace? Feel free to report an issue on GitHub including that and information about your device.

I’m using old gradle’s, old Android Studio 4.0. I tried the latest Android Studio last night, but no success, so i deleted went back to my ancient setup. Do you recommend I use a certain SDL version? Gradle and certain Android Studio? It seems like its interconnected to my ancient setup.

Success finally, I tried again. I used SDL 3.2.0, I downloaded the latest version of Android Studio, put the Android Project and copied the SDL source into the jini. Hope this help’s anyone trying to get working SDL base setup working on Android.

But as soon I added SDL_image etc, It won’t compile.