ANN : C++ Demos for SDL and SDL 1.2.4 shipping with Kylix 3

I am pleased to announce that SDL 1.2.4 will be shipping with Kylix 3
out of the box on the Companion CD!

The release for Linux can be downloaded from

These C++ Builder Projects have been built and tested with Kylix 3 C++
( under Mandake 8.1 ) and C++ Builder 6 ( under Windows 2000 ).

SDL ( ), is an API that allows you to build your
multimedia/graphical applications ( usually games ) under Windows,
Linux, MacOS and a host of other Operating Systems. It is infinitely
easier to learn that DirectX and of course it is cross-platform!!!

SDL has been used to port many commercial games from Windows to Linux,
so check the Loki website ( ) for a small list.
There is also another, more extensive list of SDL games on the SDL site

Included, is a slightly modified version of Sam Lantinga’s official
source code release of SDL 1.2.4…
SDL 1.2.4
SDL_image 1.2.2
SDL_mixer 1.2.4
SDL_net 1.2.4
SDL_sound 0.1.5 - Ryan Gordon
SDL_ttf 2.0.5
smpeg 0.4.4

It is only modified in the fact that all the above libraries are
included together in one archive. Nothing else has been changed.

There is also a Runtimes directory which contains a Linux and Windows

  • Under Linux install the respective RPMs if you do not have them
    installed already.
  • Under Windows extract the zips to your Windows\System or System32

As well as Sam’s and Ryan’s original source code you will find Borland
directories within each of the library directories mentioned above.

Each Borland directory contains projects for C++ Builder 6 ( bcb6 ),
Free Borland Command Line Compiler ( freebcc ), Kylix 3 ( k3 ) and for
the Windows demos a lib directory for dynamically linking to the various
SDL libraries under Windows ( Note the lib directory only exists in the
top level Borland directory and all the other Windows demos refer to it
). Linux users do not need *.lib files as the Shared Object is linked
right into the project.

Each of these Borland subdirectories contain projects for their
respective compilers.

NOTE : C++ Builder 6 projects are not compatible with Kylix 3 projects
hence the reason why they are in separate directories.

Notes for Kylix 3 developers under Linux

On Mandrake 8.1 the shared objects for SDL are located in the /usr/lib
directory as and the Mesa OpenGL shared objects are located
in /usr/X11R6/lib as libGL

So if your setup is different you may need to re-link to the ones on
your system.

On Mandrake 8.1 the headers files are located at /usr/include/SDL/. So
if you you have not installed the development RPMs ( usually named (
libSDL-devel* ) for SDL ( not included ) you may have to change the
include directory within some of the projects.

Known Problems

The only known problem is that I was unable to create the projects that
rebuilt the SDL shared objects due to time constraints and lack of
intimate knowledge of Linux.

To rebuild the SDL_sound shared object properly you may need to install
various libraries to be able to decode certain file formats.

Apart from that, everything should work out of the box.

I hope your experience with SDL proves to be a positive one, because
cross-platform game development has never been easier.

P.S. If this project is to continue, someone in the C++ Builder
community needs to step forward to lead it.
My C/C++ is not extensive enough to lead such a project, but I hope that
my initial efforts to bring SDL to the C++ Builder community will prove


Dominique Louis := for all your Object Pascal game
development needs; := Home of JEDI-SDL;
Cross-platform game development with Pascal, has never been easier.

I am pleased to announce that SDL 1.2.4 will be shipping with Kylix 3
out of the box on the Companion CD!

The release for Linux can be downloaded from

These C++ Builder Projects have been built and tested with Kylix 3 C++
( under Mandake 8.1 ) and C++ Builder 6 ( under Windows 2000 ).

SDL ( ), is an API that allows you to build your
multimedia/graphical applications ( usually games ) under Windows,
Linux, MacOS and a host of other Operating Systems. It is infinitely
easier to learn that DirectX and of course it is cross-platform!!!

SDL has been used to port many commercial games from Windows to Linux,
so check the Loki website ( ) for a small list.
There is also another, more extensive list of SDL games on the SDL site

Included, is a slightly modified version of Sam Lantinga’s official
source code release of SDL 1.2.4…
SDL 1.2.4
SDL_image 1.2.2
SDL_mixer 1.2.4
SDL_net 1.2.4
SDL_sound 0.1.5 - Ryan Gordon
SDL_ttf 2.0.5
smpeg 0.4.4

It is only modified in the fact that all the above libraries are
included together in one archive. Nothing else has been changed.

There is also a Runtimes directory which contains a Linux and Windows

  • Under Linux install the respective RPMs if you do not have them
    installed already.
  • Under Windows extract the zips to your Windows\System or System32

As well as Sam’s and Ryan’s original source code you will find Borland
directories within each of the library directories mentioned above.

Each Borland directory contains projects for C++ Builder 6 ( bcb6 ),
Free Borland Command Line Compiler ( freebcc ), Kylix 3 ( k3 ) and for
the Windows demos a lib directory for dynamically linking to the various
SDL libraries under Windows ( Note the lib directory only exists in the
top level Borland directory and all the other Windows demos refer to it
). Linux users do not need *.lib files as the Shared Object is linked
right into the project.

Each of these Borland subdirectories contain projects for their
respective compilers.

NOTE : C++ Builder 6 projects are not compatible with Kylix 3 projects
hence the reason why they are in separate directories.

Notes for Kylix 3 developers under Linux

On Mandrake 8.1 the shared objects for SDL are located in the /usr/lib
directory as and the Mesa OpenGL shared objects are located
in /usr/X11R6/lib as libGL

So if your setup is different you may need to re-link to the ones on
your system.

On Mandrake 8.1 the headers files are located at /usr/include/SDL/. So
if you you have not installed the development RPMs ( usually named (
libSDL-devel* ) for SDL ( not included ) you may have to change the
include directory within some of the projects.

Known Problems

The only known problem is that I was unable to create the projects that
rebuilt the SDL shared objects due to time constraints and lack of
intimate knowledge of Linux.

To rebuild the SDL_sound shared object properly you may need to install
various libraries to be able to decode certain file formats.

Apart from that, everything should work out of the box.

I hope your experience with SDL proves to be a positive one, because
cross-platform game development has never been easier.

P.S. If this project is to continue, someone in the C++ Builder
community needs to step forward to lead it.
My C/C++ is not extensive enough to lead such a project, but I hope that
my initial efforts to bring SDL to the C++ Builder community will prove


Dominique Louis := for all your Object Pascal game
development needs; := Home of JEDI-SDL;
Cross-platform game development with Pascal, has never been easier.

Developing software is a grueling workout. Outfit yourself
with gear made for the long haul. Get tutorials, skills, and
code for open standards-based software at developerWorks.

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