Announcing SDL 0.6f

Alpha blending rocks!! :slight_smile:

SDL 0.6f, fully supporting alpha blending, is available from:

API changes:

    SDL_BlitSurface() updates the source and destination rectangles
    with clipping information.  Pass these updated rectangles to
    SDL_UpdateRects(), on pain of crash. :)
    The 'clipped' member of SDL_Surface has been removed.

    SDL_BlitSurface() automatically clips source and destination
    rectangles to make sure they are inside the source and destination
    surfaces.  This is different from setting SDL_SRCCLIPPING.

    There's a new internal function SDL_BlitFast(), which is not
    public, but bypasses all rectangle and blit mapping verification.
    I figured if you want speed so badly that you keep track of all
    of that, you'll write your own custom blitter anyway.  Comments?

    New function:
            SDL_SetAlpha() -- Set's the alpha value for the surface.
            (as opposed to using the alpha channel in pixel format)

    SDL_AllocSurface() takes an additional alpha mask parameter.

    The low-level blitter has been completely rewritten to support
    alpha blending.  It's also slower, but there's support for writing
    optimized blitters and plugging them into the switch statements.

    There's a new program in the test directory:  testalpha

See ya!
-Sam Lantinga (slouken at–
Author of Simple DirectMedia Layer -