Best GUI for SDL application?

I would like to put a GUI to my SDL application.
I think I will use GTk.
If somebody have a better recomendation, PLEASE,
I would be happy to know it before start working.---------------------------------
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I made something ( ) with SDL and QT which was
wonderful ; but after months of developement, I had to realize I had to pay
in order to port my program to Windows. :frowning:

If you plan staying for Linux only, QT is great, and I recommand it.

DomOn Wednesday February 11 2004 13:42, cesar mendoza wrote:

I would like to put a GUI to my SDL application.
I think I will use GTk.
If somebody have a better recomendation, PLEASE,
I would be happy to know it before start working.

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Dominic Genest
?tudiant 3e cycle
D?partement d’Informatique et de G?nie Logiciel
Universit? Laval

Depends what language your using and how much gui you need. If its quick
and simple you can beat Tk (Tkinter in python) or possibly wxWindows
although im less experienced there. Qt is amazing for doing complex
guis (ive been using it for an image correction application im writing
as a research peoject) and if your unix then the kde libraries (a
superset of qt essentially) provide some really really powerful
facilities (xmlgui, really powerful dialogs, ioslaves). My current
application uses KDE/Qt and renders its image output to an opengl
context. This gives the added bonus of being able to use pixel shaders
for cool effects.

TomOn Wed 11 February 2004 18:42, cesar mendoza wrote:

I would like to put a GUI to my SDL application.
I think I will use GTk.
If somebody have a better recomendation, PLEASE,
I would be happy to know it before start working.

I made something ( ) with SDL and QT which was
wonderful […]

I mean “QT” was wonderful, not my buggy app :)–
Dominic Genest
?tudiant 3e cycle
D?partement d’Informatique et de G?nie Logiciel
Universit? Laval

Hello !

I have to say it once more,
i think that nothing beats FLTK
in easy usage !!! :slight_smile:


Is it possible to use FLTK and SDL together?
U have any example ?


Torsten Giebl wrote:>Hello !

I have to say it once more,
i think that nothing beats FLTK
in easy usage !!! :slight_smile:


SDL mailing list
SDL at

Hello !

Is it possible to use FLTK and SDL together?
U have any example ?


Where are the paragui guys at these days?–


Jay Vaughan