BUG in copy_32(SDL_RLEaccel.c)?

copy_32 function in SDL_RLEaccel.c has below tow statement:--------------------------------------

PIXEL_FROM_RGB(pixel, dfmt, r, g, b);

*d++ = pixel | a << 24;

PIXEL_FROM_RGB is macro, it is defined in SDL_blit.h.

#define PIXEL_FROM_RGB(Pixel, fmt, r, g, b) \

{ \

Pixel = ((r>>fmt->Rloss)<Rshift)| \

     ((g>>fmt->Gloss)<<fmt->Gshift)|       \

     ((b>>fmt->Bloss)<<fmt->Bshift)| \

     fmt->Amask;                       \


Basing PIXEL_FROM_RGB definition, when fmt->Amask is 0xff000000, then:

PIXEL_FROM_RGB(pixel, dfmt, r, g, b) will make bit[31, 24] of pixel variable
always 0xff!

pixel | a << 24, this operation does nothing!

On caller view, all translucent pixels change to opaque after RLE!

Code change to:

PIXEL_FROM_RGB(pixel, dfmt, r, g, b);

*d++ = (pixel & 0xffffff) | a << 24;

pixel | a << 24, this operation does nothing!

On caller view, all translucent pixels change to opaque after RLE!

Can you try the attached patch and see if it fixes this problem?


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