C++ Borland 6 Lib

I made a import lib for the latest SDL.dll for Borland C++ Builder 6.0
If anyone wants it just mail me. Or follow the instructions below.
If this where added to the SDL website it might prevent some unnecessary
problems with
The following compiler error : Unresolved external … bla bla … .OBJ

You could add something to the SDL website on this : how to use a VC DLL
(SDL.dll) with
a C++ Builder project. :


  • Dinand Vanvelzen************************************************************************

An Alias Solution
(this works well with C++Builder)

This method is based on C++Builder FAQ 440 which they removed from their
web site. I will discuss it in detail here.

The first step is to run IMPDEF on the DLL file to create a definition
file. I usually create a directory to hold my new import library
routines and copy the DLL files from the windows or system directory to
this directory to work on them (otherwise you will need to fully specify
file paths to get these commands to work or do all the work in your
windows system directory, not a good idea). Once the DLL files are in
the import library directory, open a console window to run the command
line programs. Run IMPDEF on each DLL to create a DEF file:

The next step is to edit the function definitions. Many DLLs can contain
hundreds of functions. Editing the DEF files can be a major pain. I had
several DEF files and several hundred functions to edit. To save some
time I wrote a quick and dirty C++Builder program to perform these
operations automatically. You can download this program here :
http://home.pacifier.com/~jgibbon/zips/fix_def.zip . The binary EXE and
source code is included in this ZIP file. To use the program, follow
these steps:

Use the File/Open command to open a DEF file for processing.

Use the File/Fix command to change the functions to aliases.

Use the File/Save command to save the fixed file.

We now need to go back to the console command line and use IMPLIB to
convert the DEF files into import libraries:

Add the LIB files to the project manager window of your program and you
are done. You will need to reference the library include header files
and set the proper path on the Options/Project directories tab to link
to the functions. The DLL and DEF files can be deleted from the
directory when you are happy with the results.