Calling GetKeyState only once


is it possible to call GetKeyState only once to retrieve a pointer to the key array, or should i call it every frame?

i think the adress of the array won’t ever change when the programming is running, so why should i call it every frame?

see ya, florian hufsky

It is safe to call GetKeyState only once and keep the pointer for future
reference, but be aware that you will need to call PumpEvents to ensure
that the array contains the latest key states regardless of target.


i’m already doing that (PollEvent).> ----- Original Message -----

From: (Thomas Harte)
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 4:23 PM
Subject: [SDL] Re: calling GetKeyState only once

It is safe to call GetKeyState only once and keep the pointer for future
reference, but be aware that you will need to call PumpEvents to ensure
that the array contains the latest key states regardless of target.


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