Clearing the Screen


i want to develope a game, and because many open souce games use the sdl graphic
libary i thougth i should do soo too. Anyway, i am still learning the basics,
and came to a problem.

So my Question:

How can i clear the Screen? or the App window?

Because i found no function or something similar ,i tried the following

unsigned long ul_pixelsize;

but this doesnt seem to work, it eaven seems to me its f****up the whole
displaying routine of Win2k, although i am running the programm as an normal
user. (I think i might have misscalculated the actuale size of the pixel array)

So, is there any “nice” way to clear the screen?




Which blacks the screen. Then you can draw on top of it.


none yet wrote:>Hullo

i want to develope a game, and because many open souce games use the sdl graphic
libary i thougth i should do soo too. Anyway, i am still learning the basics,
and came to a problem.

So my Question:

How can i clear the Screen? or the App window?

Because i found no function or something similar ,i tried the following

unsigned long ul_pixelsize;

but this doesnt seem to work, it eaven seems to me its f****up the whole
displaying routine of Win2k, although i am running the programm as an normal
user. (I think i might have misscalculated the actuale size of the pixel array)

So, is there any “nice” way to clear the screen?


SDL mailing list
SDL at

none yet wrote:

So my Question:

How can i clear the Screen? or the App window?
So, is there any “nice” way to clear the screen?
very easy :
SDL_FillRect( screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0,0,0) );
(don’t forget to call SDL_Blit if you use SDL_DOUBLEBUF)

Thx for the Fast Answers

but it doest to work.

I am drawing a bmp picture with the showBMP function in the sdl introductin
document, and than i move this picture(I draw it at another position).
But the old one is still there, althoug i did a SDL_FillRect().
How can this be?

Can you show some code?


none yet wrote:>Thx for the Fast Answers

but it doest to work.

I am drawing a bmp picture with the showBMP function in the sdl introductin
document, and than i move this picture(I draw it at another position).
But the old one is still there, althoug i did a SDL_FillRect().
How can this be?

SDL mailing list
SDL at

How did you update the surface? If you called SDL_UpdateRect(), be sure
to ALSO include the FillRect()'d area that you ‘cleared’. :slight_smile:

(This JUST came up a few days ago, didn’t it?)

bill at Man, some trip this turned out to be. All we caught is a tire, a boot,
New Breed Software a tin can and this book of cliches.On Sun, Sep 05, 2004 at 11:12:51PM +0000, none yet wrote:

Thx for the Fast Answers

but it doest to work.

I am drawing a bmp picture with the showBMP function in the sdl introductin
document, and than i move this picture(I draw it at another position).
But the old one is still there, althoug i did a SDL_FillRect().
How can this be?

I do the following:

loading the bmp file#
return 1;
return 0;

displaying the bmp:

SDL_Rect dest;

/* Blit onto the screen surface.
   The surfaces should not be locked at this point.
dest.x = pst_bmp->ui_x;
dest.y = pst_bmp->ui_y;
dest.w = pst_bmp->pC_bmp->w;
dest.h = pst_bmp->pC_bmp->h;
if(SDL_BlitSurface(pst_bmp->pC_bmp, NULL, screen, &dest)) return 1;

/* Update the changed portion of the screen */
SDL_UpdateRects(screen, 1, &dest);
return 0;

clearing the screen:

SDL_FillRect( screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0,0,0) );
return 0;

calling the display function again

none yet wrote:

I do the following:

Can we see the entire code please ?
