Compiling Programms under WIN32 with CYGWIN

I downloaded the newest CYGWIN with the newest Libs, NASM and DirectX Headers

I compiled the latest SDL version and the actual SDL CVS Version with no major
problems. But when i compile a programm like GUIlib or a simple Hello World Programm
with the self compiled SDL lib i get the following error :

/usr/local/lib/libSDLmain.a(SDL_main.o.b): In function ParseCommandLine': /usr/include/mingw/ctype.h:141: undefined reference to_imp____mb_cur_max_dll’
/usr/include/mingw/ctype.h:141: undefined reference to _imp___pctype_dll' /usr/include/mingw/ctype.h:141: undefined reference to_imp____mb_cur_max_dll’
/usr/include/mingw/ctype.h:141: undefined reference to `_imp___pctype_dll’

My Simple Hello World Programm :±-------------------------------------+

#include <stdio.h>
#include “SDL.h”

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf (“Hallo Welt !!!\n”);

return 0;


I compile this with gcc test.c -o test.exe sdl-config --cflags --libs

Has CYGWIN changed something in the newer versions of it ???