Compiling SDL under Cygwin

I’ve recently grown tired of cross compiling projects under Linux,
rebooting, and doing it all over again. I’ve tried both mingw32 and cygwin,
and I must say I like Cygwin much better out of the two.

The problem is that I can’t get SDL to compile under Cygwin, where it chokes
on quite a few files, the first of which is SDL_lowvideo.h

I’d be willing to use Mingw32, but it’s shell is very slow and it’s a pain
to set up. Has anyone any suggestions ?

Ian Pitcher (0.33333333333 of Technician)
“Soon it will work everywhere !” - Konstantin Raudive, via. clock radio

I’ve recently grown tired of cross compiling projects under Linux,
rebooting, and doing it all over again. I’ve tried both mingw32 and cygwin,
and I must say I like Cygwin much better out of the two.

The problem is that I can’t get SDL to compile under Cygwin, where it chokes
on quite a few files, the first of which is SDL_lowvideo.h

The officially known-to-work environment is Mingw32, and I’ll post a
message about the new tested compiler environment as soon as SDL 1.1.5
is out.

See ya!
-Sam Lantinga, Lead Programmer, Loki Entertainment Software