CVS Update (SDL 1.1.7 prerelease!)

The developer prerelease of SDL 1.1.7 is now available.

Please check this out!

Changes Today:

  • Fixed build warnings and compile problems on BeOS
  • Integrated QNX improvements from Patrick Trainor
  • Fixed fast-path dectection in special case of alpha blend
  • Expanded documentation from the SDL Documentation Project

See ya!
-Sam Lantinga, Lead Programmer, Loki Entertainment Software

Sam Lantinga wrote:

The developer prerelease of SDL 1.1.7 is now

Please check this out!

I am getting a bunch of “silly” compiler warnings from Visual C++ 6.0. For
some reason, VC6 thinks that you are nuts if you try to return a function
pointer in a function that returns a pointer to a function :slight_smile:

Specifically, it spits out the following warning in SDL_CalculateBlit0,
SDL_CalculateBlit1, SDL_CalculateBlitA, and SDL_CalculateBlitN whenever the
function tries to return a raw function address …

warning C4550: expression evaluates to a function which is missing an
argument list

… which is silly because it makes it sound like you are trying to call the
function instead of returning the function pointer. I looked at the assembly
output and its fine, the function address is being returned correctly.

One way I found to get rid of the warning is to put a cast in front of the
function name, i.e. ‘return (SDL_loblit)BlitNtoNPixelAlpha;’, but this seems
like a hack since the return type is already correct. So now do we ignore
it, hack it, or turn off the “C4450” warning in VC6?

  • Randi

Regimental Command
Generic Armored Combat System