Full screen with double buff

It seems if I use double buffer with full screen I can’t see the mouse
cursor even with SDL_ShowCursor. Is there a fix/work around or am I the only
one with this problem ? :slight_smile:

Nope, you can’t count on the mouse cursor with hardware surfaces. Best
suggestion is always disable it and draw your own. It always comes out
better that way.On Sun, Mar 17, 2002 at 09:49:50AM -0800, Corey Carter wrote:

It seems if I use double buffer with full screen I can’t see the mouse
cursor even with SDL_ShowCursor. Is there a fix/work around or am I the only
one with this problem ? :slight_smile:

Joseph Carter Here we go again

  • Endy needs to consult coffee :stuck_out_tongue:
    coffee the bot person, not coffee the beverage :slight_smile:
    consulting the beverage may help too =>

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Joe, I did and you see what it did in linux :slight_smile: