GL ES and Linux


Is there any method to request and get EGL + GL ES context (instead of GLX

  • OpenGL) under X11/Linux/Mesa short of recompiling SDL2 with

I hit this one particular stumbling block some time last year, and it seems
nothing changed. I vaguely remember there being some kind of flag for this
in the far past, but it was removed for some reason afair.

Thank you.–


If you call SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_ES) before creating your window and OpenGL context, then SDL will attempt to create an OpenGL ES context using any available context-creation API that can do so (for example on Linux both GLX and EGL can create OpenGL ES contexts, depending on the graphics driver.)> On Jun 1, 2016, at 4:09 PM, Alexander Sabourenkov wrote:


Is there any method to request and get EGL + GL ES context (instead of GLX + OpenGL) under X11/Linux/Mesa short of recompiling SDL2 with --disable-video-opengl?

I hit this one particular stumbling block some time last year, and it seems nothing changed. I vaguely remember there being some kind of flag for this in the far past, but it was removed for some reason afair.

Thank you.


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