Google Summer of Code 2010 preview

Hey everybody, SDL has applied to be a mentoring organization for the
Google Summer of Code 2010. We won’t know whether we’ll be accepted
for a couple of weeks, but in case anybody is considering applying,
here are some links to whet your appetite.

Google Summer of Code Homepage:

SDL Project Ideas Page:

Because we’ve had applicants with widely varying skill levels, this
year I’m asking all prospective applicants to submit a sample patch
for SDL 1.3. It doesn’t have to be big or even accepted, but it does
have to show familiarity with the development process and good coding

See ya!–
-Sam Lantinga, Founder and President, Galaxy Gameworks LLC

Hi, I’m using SDL on Vista32 as a selfcompiled DLL (MinGW/Code::Blocks).
Yesterday I noticed that when I press the ALT-Key with an alphanumeric key,
the system plays a MessageBeep(). This was with SDL 1.2.14. When changing
the DLL to 1.2.13 there is no beep.
The function of my program executes normally, except the beep with SDL
1.2.14. I can’t find any calls the a MessageBeep() in the SDL-Sources.
I disabled the functionality in my program but the Beep was already there.
It is played on keyDown and only in Windowed Mode, not in Fullscreen.
Is this a suggested behavior ?

Thomas Omilian

Hello !

SDL Project Ideas Page:

This is not an idea directly for SDL, but in the last weeks FLTK,
a GUI toolkit, got a Device Abstraction Layer, allowing to print
FLTK windows.

With a little work, someone could change this Device Abstraction Layer
to use SDL 1.3 for Output, so that SDL would get a really good gui addon,
that allows UTF8 input.


I did update the “VisualC.html” file in the SDL root to reflect VS2008
and VS2010…does this count?

ErikOn Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 5:36 AM, Sam Lantinga wrote:

Hey everybody, SDL has applied to be a mentoring organization for the
Google Summer of Code 2010. ?We won’t know whether we’ll be accepted
for a couple of weeks, but in case anybody is considering applying,
here are some links to whet your appetite.

Google Summer of Code Homepage:

SDL Project Ideas Page:

Because we’ve had applicants with widely varying skill levels, this
year I’m asking all prospective applicants to submit a sample patch
for SDL 1.3. ?It doesn’t have to be big or even accepted, but it does
have to show familiarity with the development process and good coding

See ya!

? ? ? ?-Sam Lantinga, Founder and President, Galaxy Gameworks LLC

SDL mailing list
SDL at

Erik Yuzwa
I’d love to help out! Find me on:

I found myself dealing with the same (non-)issue/annoyance today :wink: And since I could hardly find any information on it - here’s a quick summary and a workaround.
If the dinging appears depends on how the window is set up. If you have the ALT key pressed, any other key will make windows try to search for an appropriate menue item on the window - if it cannot be found you get the “you did something wrong”-ding… Responsible for all that is the window message WM_SYSCOMMAND and more precisely its SC_KEYMENU command. Since with native SDL there is no way to filter those events (WM_SYSCOMMANDs get passed along by default even if a filter is set), the only solution I found is nesting the SDL message handler in my own and filter the event that way.

#ifdef _WIN32

DeDinger(HWND wnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) {
if (msg==WM_SYSCOMMAND && (wparam&0xfff0) == SC_KEYMENU)
return 0;
return CallWindowProc(OldWndProc, wnd, msg, wparam, lparam);

toggleDingFilter(HWND wnd) {
if (OldWndProc) {
SetWindowLongPtr(wnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)OldWndProc);
OldWndProc = NULL;
} else {
OldWndProc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtr(wnd, GWLP_WNDPROC);
SetWindowLongPtr(wnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)&DeDinger);