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What this error mean ? thank you Protocol: NNTP, Port: 119, Secure(SSL):
No, Error Number: 0x800C006F=============================

It would be nice to met some one Male 24-30 years From U.S.A

============ Signature =============

Name: Monika - Internet name:Maja24 - age:24

E-mail: @_Maja24 pleas not spam

My site: http://www.MyNewSite.4ever.cc

What this error mean ? thank you Protocol: NNTP, Port: 119, Secure(SSL):
No, Error Number: 0x800C006F=============================

It would be nice to met some one Male 24-30 years From U.S.A

============ Signature =============

Name: Monika - Internet name:Maja24 - age:24

E-mail: @_Maja24 pleas not spam

My site: http://www.MyNewSite.4ever.cc