How do I read SDL_Event.text.text when it is not 7-bit ascii

I am trying to get text input from the keyboard when the SDL-window is active.
This tutorial works fine when only English 7-bit ASCII characters are used.

But when I try to type in letter in the extended ASCII like åäö it comes out like this in the console

The code to print it is is this:

SDL_Event sdl_Event;
while (SDL_PollEvent(&sdl_Event))
    switch (sdl_Event.type)
        cout << sdl_Event.text.text;

As far as I can figure SDL_Event.text.text is a array of four numbers.

wcout have the same problem

wcout  << sdl_Event.text.text;

It also print åäö

When I try to convert it to char32_t I just get a number when I try to print it. (C32 is of the type char32_t)

C32  = sdl_Event.text.text[0]&0xFF;
C32 |= (sdl_Event.text.text[1]&0xFF) << 8;
C32 |= (sdl_Event.text.text[2]&0xFF) << 16;
C32 |= (sdl_Event.text.text[3]&0xFF) << 24;
wcout  << C32;

I am stuck right now. Is there a clever way to map Unicode to the class string in C++?

it’s UTF-8 text (potentially multiple unicode chars).

you can convert it to UTF-32 with SDL_iconv(), code will look something like:

// could be a (static) global or class member or whatever
static SDL_iconv_t iconvDescriptor = -1;

void my_handle_sdl2_textevent(const SDL_TextInputEvent* ev)
    const char* utf8str = ev->text;
    if(utf8str[0] != '\0') {
        if(iconvDescriptor == (SDL_iconv_t) -1) {
            // if we'd just use "UTF-32" it would write a BOM, we don't want that,
            // so we need to use the platform-endianess-specific thing
            const char* toFormat = "UTF-32BE";
#else // little endian
            const char* toFormat = "UTF-32LE";
            iconvDescriptor = SDL_iconv_open(toFormat, "UTF-8");

            if(iconvDescriptor == (SDL_iconv_t) -1) {
                // error: SDL_iconv_open() failed!

        uint32_t utf32string[SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE] = {0};
        size_t inLeft = strlen(utf8str) + 1; // +1 for terminating '\0'
        // *4 because utf-32 needs 4x as much space as char
        size_t outLeft = 4 * SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE; 
        char* out = (char*)utf32str;
        size_t n = SDL_iconv(iconvDescriptor, &utf8str, &inLeft, &out, &outLeft);
        if(n == (size_t) -1) {
            // some error happened in SDL_iconv()
        for(size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            if(utf32str[i] == 0) { // end of string

            // TODO: do something with utf32str[i], which is a UTF-32 char
        // reset iconvDescriptor so it can be used again
        SDL_iconv(iconvDescriptor, NULL, &inLeft, NULL, &outLeft);

// TODO: on shutdown maybe somewhere do sth like
//  SDL_iconv_close(iconvDescriptor); iconvDescriptor = -1;

If you don’t need UTF-32 but some other encoding (unfortunately, what wchar_t and std::string are encoded like is platform specific) you could adept the above code for that encoding if SDL_iconv() supports it (it should)

But you should probably try to use UTF-8 everywhere.

Almost forgot, if you only need to convert on/for Windows (other platforms generally support UTF-8) you can also use Windows-specific conversion functions which are less painful to use. Example:

#include <windows.h>
void doSomethingWithUtf8(const char* utf8str)
    wchar_t wcharStr[SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE] = {0};
    if(MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8str, -1, wcharStr,
                           SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE) > 0)
        // TODO: do something with wcharStr

It did not compile so I assumed you meant this

void my_handle_sdl2_textevent(const SDL_TextInputEvent* ev)
    const char* utf8str = ev->text;
    if (utf8str[0] != '\0')
        if (iconvDescriptor == (SDL_iconv_t)-1)
            // if we'd just use "UTF-32" it would write a BOM, we don't want that,
            // so we need to use the platform-endianess-specific thing
            const char* toFormat = "UTF-32BE";
#else // little endian
            const char* toFormat = "UTF-32LE";
            iconvDescriptor = SDL_iconv_open(toFormat, "UTF-8");

            if (iconvDescriptor == (SDL_iconv_t)-1)
                // error: SDL_iconv_open() failed!

        uint32_t utf32str[SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE] = { 0 };
        size_t inLeft = strlen(utf8str) + 1; // +1 for terminating '\0'
                                             // *4 because utf-32 needs 4x as much space as char
        size_t outLeft = 4 * SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE;
        char* out = (char*)utf32str;
        size_t n = SDL_iconv(iconvDescriptor, &utf8str, &inLeft, &out, &outLeft);
        if (n == (size_t)-1)
            // some error happened in SDL_iconv()

        for (size_t i = 0; i < inLeft; ++i)
            if (utf32str[i] == 0) { // end of string

            // TODO: do something with utf32str[i], which is a UTF-32 char

        // reset iconvDescriptor so it can be used again
        SDL_iconv(iconvDescriptor, NULL, &inLeft, NULL, &outLeft);

When I call it like this

cout << iconvDescriptor << endl;

I get this exception

Exception thrown at 0x000000006C7A7AA1 (SDL2.dll) in Game.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000000. occurred


size_t n = SDL_iconv(iconvDescriptor, &utf8str, &inLeft, &out, &outLeft);

the iconvDescriptor does not contain the text.
utf32str does (see the // TODO: do something with utf32str[i] line) - but probably std::cout doesn’t support utf32 strings either.
so you’d have to adapt the code to produce UTF-16, which corresponds to wchar_t (only on windows though, on Linux and other systems wchar_t is UTF-32 - but then again most non-Windows systems support UTF-8 directly)

or you could just do sth like the following, using MultiByteToWideChar() (see

#ifdef _WIN32
  wchar_t wcharStr[SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE] = {0};
  if(MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, sdl_Event.text.text, -1, wcharStr,
                         SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE) > 0)
      std::wcout << wcharStr << std::endl;
#else // not windows, probably sending UTF-8 text to stdout is ok
  std::cout << sdl_Event.text.text << std::endl;