I need help | Necesito ayuda

??? ENGLISH??? ??? ESPA?OL???
?? I’m Manuel L. and I have pro- ? ?? Soy Manuel L. y tengo proble-
blems to compile a practically??? mas al compilar una copia? casi?
equally copy of the first example? id?ntica al primer ejemplo de la
of the documentation.??? documentaci?n.???
?? I’ve compiled the SDL version?? ?? He compilado la versi?n 1.2 de
1.2 under Windows XP with Open??? SDL bajo Windows XP con Open Wat-
Watcom without troubles. Because?? com sin problema alguno. Como no
I still unknowning programming on? conozco a?n los aspectos de la??
Windows I used the static library? programaci?n Windows he usado la
instead of the dynamic ones. I copy versi?n est?tica en lugar de la
the header files in a carpet h/SDL din?mica. Coloqu? una copia de los
inside the carpet system of the??? ficheros de cabecera en h/SDL, una
compiler. And I run all tests and? carpeta del sistema de ficheros
everyone was executed perfectly??? del compilador. Las pruebas se
unless the testoverlay one.??? realizaron con ?xito excepto la
?? In the carpet where I was??? llamada testoverlay.
working there was this files:??? ?? En la carpeta que trabajaba

?? —> makefile.wat : file f
or??? |hab?a los siguientes archivos:??
wmake (the make version of Open??? |?? —> makefile.wat: archivo para
Watcom)??? |wmake (la versi?n del make de Open
?? —> principal.cpp : file with? |Watcom)
my code??? |?? —> principal.cpp: archivo con
?? —> SDL.lib : file compiled by |mi c?digo
Open Watcom??? |?? —> SDL.lib: archivo compilado
??? —> SDLmain.lib : file compi- |con Open Watcom
led by Open Watcom??? |?? —> SDLmain.lib: archivo com-
??? |pilado con Open Watcom
?? I send with this message makefi-|?? Adjunto los archivos makefi-??
le.wat and principal.cpp files. ?? |le.wat y principal.cpp.
??? |
?? Here is the output of the ? ? ? |He aqu? la salida del compilador-
compiler-linker utility:??? |enlazador:
Open Watcom Make Version 1.7
Portions Copyright © 1988-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
?? wcl386 -fe=principal.exe -cc++ -wx -xr -ei -d2 -ob -oe -oh -ol
?? ?? -or -ot -xs -br -bm .\principal.cpp .\SD
Lmain.lib .\SDL.lib
Open Watcom C/C++32 Compile and Link Utility Version 1.7
Portions Copyright © 1988-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
?? wpp386 .\principal.cpp? -wx -xr -ei -d2 -ob -oe -oh -ol -or -ot
? ? ? -xs -br -bm
Open Watcom C++32 Optimizing Compiler Version 1.7
Portions Copyright © 1989-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
C:\WATCOM\H\SDL\SDL_endian.h(87): Warning! W716: col(22) integral
value may be truncated
C:\WATCOM\H\SDL\SDL_endian.h(87): Note! N393: col(22) included from
C:\WATCOM\H\SDL\SDL_endian.h(87): Note! N393: col(22) included from
C:\WATCOM\H\SDL\SDL_endian.h(87): Note! N393: col(22) included from .\principal.cpp(4)
C:\WATCOM\H\SDL\SDL_endian.h(87): Warning! W716: col(22) integral
value may be truncated
.\principal.cpp: 30 lines, included 13717, 2 warnings, no errors
?? ??? wlink @wcl.lnk
Open Watcom Linker Version 1.7
Portions Copyright © 1985-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
loading object files
searching libraries
Error! E2028: _timeBeginPeriod at 4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _timeGetTime at 0 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _timeSetEvent at 20 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _timeEndPeriod at 4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _timeKillEvent at 4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _waveOutGetErrorTextA at 12 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _waveOutWrite at 12 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _waveOutUnprepareHeader at 12 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _waveOutClose at 4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _waveOutOpen at 24 is an undefined reference
Error! E20
28: _waveOutPrepareHeader at 12 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _joyGetNumDevs at 0 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _joyGetPosEx at 8 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _joyGetDevCapsA at 12 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _mciSendCommandA at 16 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _mciGetErrorStringA at 12 is an undefined reference
Warning! W1023: no starting address found, using 00401000
creating a Windows NT character-mode executable
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
??? \C++\Codigo\SDL-1.2.13\src\timer\win32\SDL_systimer.c):
??? undefined symbol _timeBeginPeriod at 4
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
??? \C++\Codigo\SDL-1.2.13\src\timer\win32\SDL_systimer.c):
undefined symbol _timeGetTime at 0
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
??? \C++\Codigo\SDL-1.2.13\src\timer\win32\SDL_systimer.c):
undefined symbol _timeSetEvent at 20
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
??? \C++\Codigo\SDL-1.2.13\src\timer\win32\SDL_systimer.c):
undefined symbol _timeEndPeriod at 4
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
??? \C++\Codigo\SDL-1.2.13\src\timer\win32\SDL_systimer.c):
undefined symbol _timeKillEvent at 4
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
??? \C++\Codigo\SDL-1.2.13\src\audio\windib\SDL_dibaudio.c):
undefined symbol _waveOutGetErrorTextA at 12
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
??? \C++\Codigo\SDL-1.2.13\src\audio\windib\SDL_dibaudio.c):
undefined symbol _waveOutWrite at 12
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
??? \C++\Codigo\SDL-1.2.13\src\audio\windib\SDL_dibaudio.
undefined symbol _waveOutUnprepareHeader at 12
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _waveOutClose at 4
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
??? \C++\Codigo\SDL-1.2.13\src\audio\windib\SDL_dibaudio.c):
undefined symbol _waveOutOpen at 24
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
??? \C++\Codigo\SDL-1.2.13\src\audio\windib\SDL_dibaudio.c):
undefined symbol _waveOutPrepareHeader at 12
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
??? \C++\Codigo\SDL-1.2.13\src\joystick\win32\SDL_mmjoystick.c):
undefined symbol _joyGetNumDevs at 0
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
??? \C++\Codigo\SDL-1.2.13\src\joystick\win32\SDL_mmjoystick.c):
undefined symbol _joyGetPosEx at 8
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
??? \C++\Codigo\SDL-1.2.13\src\joystick\win32\SDL_mmjoystick.c):
undefined symbol _joyGetDevCapsA at 12
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
??? \C++\Codigo\SDL-1.2.13\src\cdrom\win32\SDL_syscdrom.c):
undefined symbol _mciSendCommandA at 16
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
??? \C++\Codigo\SDL-1.2.13\src\cdrom\win32\SDL_syscdrom.c):
undefined symbol _mciGetErrorStringA at 12
Error: Linker returned a bad status=======================================================================
??? |??? =0
A?? I’d like to say three things:?? |?? Me gustar?a comentar tres cosas:
??? |

?? —> E2028 says: “The symbol has|?? —> E2028 dice: “El s?mbolo ha
?? been referenced but not defined”|sido referenciado pero no definido”
?? —> W1023 says: “The starting? |?? —> W1023 dice: “La direcci?n de
?? address defines the location??? |inicio determina d?nde comienza la
?? where execution is to begin and |ejecuci?n y debe definirse por un
?? must be defined by a special??? |registro de fin de modo especial en
?? “module end” record in one of?? |uno de los archivos ligados a su
?? the object files linked into??? |aplicaci?n.
?? your application.??? |?? Este mensaje es mostrado si no?
? This message is issued if no such|se encuentra ese registro, en cuyo
record is encountered in which case|caso se usa una direcci?n por defec-
a default starting address, namely |to llamada “%a”.
”%a”, will be used.??? |?? Suele suceder si el enlazador no
? This usually happens if the??? |puede encontrar las librer?as de
linker cannot find the run-time??? |tiempo de ejecuci?n requeridas para
libraries required to link your??? |enlazar la aplicaci?n.“
application”??? |?? —> W1023 siempre aparece cuando
?? —> W1023 always appears when? |introd
uzco #include “SDL/SDL.h”, in-
I write #include “SDL/SDL.h”, even |cluso con la siguiente funci?n main:
when I have such a function main:? |
??? |int main()
?? int main()??? |?? {
? ??? {??? |
??? |?? return 0;
? ??? return 0;??? |
??? |?? }
? ??? }??? |
??? |?Qu? debo hacer para evitar esos
What is/are the mistake/s and how? |errores? ?Alguien puede ayudarme?
can it be solved? Anybody can help |
me??? |Muchas gracias.
??? |
Lot of thanks??? |
??? |

AOL ofrece actualmente una cuenta de corre
o electr?nico gratuita a todo los usuarios. Consulta m?s informaci?n sobre los servicios gratuitos que ofrece AOL en AOL.es.
-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed…
Name: makefile.wat
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 358 bytes
Desc: not available
URL: http://lists.libsdl.org/pipermail/sdl-libsdl.org/attachments/20081007/2a408e75/attachment.obj
-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed…
Name: principal.cpp
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 499 bytes
Desc: not available
URL: http://lists.libsdl.org/pipermail/sdl-libsdl.org/attachments/20081007/2a408e75/attachment-0001.obj

Must be in watcom? | Necessita
de ser en wactom?
I use under Visual C++, without problems | Yo uso en visual
C++ sin nengum problema


Vinicius Jarina

2008/10/7 Manuel L. > ENGLISH | ESPA?OL

I’m Manuel L. and I have pro- | Soy Manuel L. y tengo proble-
blems to compile a practically |mas al compilar una copia casi
equally copy of the first example |id?ntica al primer ejemplo de la
of the documentation. |documentaci?n.
I’ve compiled the SDL version | He compilado la versi?n 1.2 de
1.2 under Windows XP with Open |SDL bajo Windows XP con Open Wat-
Watcom without troubles. Because |com sin problema alguno. Como no
I still unknowning programming on |conozco a?n los aspectos de la
Windows I used the static library |programaci?n Windows he usado la
instead of the dynamic ones. I copy|versi?n est?tica en lugar de la
the header files in a carpet h/SDL |din?mica. Coloqu? una copia de los
inside the carpet system of the |ficheros de cabecera en h/SDL, una
compiler. And I run all tests and |carpeta del sistema de ficheros
everyone was executed perfectly |del compilador. Las pruebas se
unless the testoverlay one. |realizaron con ?xito excepto la
In the carpet where I was |llamada testoverlay.
working there was this files: | En la carpeta que trabajaba
—> makefile.wat : file for |hab?a los siguientes archivos:
wmake (the make version of Open | —> makefile.wat: archivo para
Watcom) |wmake (la versi?n del make de Open
—> principal.cpp : file with |Watcom)
my code | —> principal.cpp: archivo con
—> SDL.lib : file compiled by |mi c?digo
Open Watcom | —> SDL.lib: archivo compilado
—> SDLmain.lib : file compi- |con Open Watcom
led by Open Watcom | —> SDLmain.lib: archivo com-
|pilado con Open Watcom
I send with this message makefi-| Adjunto los archivos makefi-
le.wat and principal.cpp files. |le.wat y principal.cpp.
Here is the output of the |He aqu? la salida del compilador-
compiler-linker utility: |enlazador:
Open Watcom Make Version 1.7
Portions Copyright © 1988-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
wcl386 -fe=principal.exe -cc++ -wx -xr -ei -d2 -ob -oe -oh -ol
-or -ot -xs -br -bm .\principal.cpp .\SDLmain.lib .\SDL.lib
Open Watcom C/C++32 Compile and Link Utility Version 1.7
Portions Copyright © 1988-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
wpp386 .\principal.cpp -wx -xr -ei -d2 -ob -oe -oh -ol -or -ot
-xs -br -bm
Open Watcom C++32 Optimizing Compiler Version 1.7
Portions Copyright © 1989-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
C:\WATCOM\H\SDL\SDL_endian.h(87): Warning! W716: col(22) integral
value may be truncated
C:\WATCOM\H\SDL\SDL_endian.h(87): Note! N393: col(22) included from
C:\WATCOM\H\SDL\SDL_endian.h(87): Note! N393: col(22) included from
C:\WATCOM\H\SDL\SDL_endian.h(87): Note! N393: col(22) included from
C:\WATCOM\H\SDL\SDL_endian.h(87): Warning! W716: col(22) integral
value may be truncated
.\principal.cpp: 30 lines, included 13717, 2 warnings, no errors
wlink @wcl.lnk
Open Watcom Linker Version 1.7
Portions Copyright © 1985-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
loading object files
searching libraries
Error! E2028: _timeBeginPeriod at 4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _timeGetTime at 0 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _timeSetEvent at 20 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _timeEndPeriod at 4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _timeKillEvent at 4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _waveOutGetErrorTextA at 12 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _waveOutWrite at 12 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _waveOutUnprepareHeader at 12 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _waveOutClose at 4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _waveOutOpen at 24 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _waveOutPrepareHeader at 12 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _joyGetNumDevs at 0 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _joyGetPosEx at 8 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _joyGetDevCapsA at 12 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _mciSendCommandA at 16 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _mciGetErrorStringA at 12 is an undefined reference
Warning! W1023: no starting address found, using 00401000
creating a Windows NT character-mode executable
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _timeBeginPeriod at 4
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _timeGetTime at 0
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _timeSetEvent at 20
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _timeEndPeriod at 4
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _timeKillEvent at 4
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _waveOutGetErrorTextA at 12
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _waveOutWrite at 12
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _waveOutUnprepareHeader at 12
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _waveOutClose at 4
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _waveOutOpen at 24
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _waveOutPrepareHeader at 12
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _joyGetNumDevs at 0
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _joyGetPosEx at 8
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _joyGetDevCapsA at 12
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _mciSendCommandA at 16
file .\SDL.lib(D:\Programas\Inform?tica\Librerias\Completas\SDL
undefined symbol _mciGetErrorStringA at 12
Error: Linker returned a bad status

I’d like to say three things: | Me gustar?a comentar tres cosas:
—> E2028 says: “The symbol has| —> E2028 dice: “El s?mbolo ha
been referenced but not defined”|sido referenciado pero no definido”
—> W1023 says: “The starting | —> W1023 dice: “La direcci?n de
address defines the location |inicio determina d?nde comienza la
where execution is to begin and |ejecuci?n y debe definirse por un
must be defined by a special |registro de fin de modo especial en
"module end” record in one of |uno de los archivos ligados a su
the object files linked into |aplicaci?n.
your application. | Este mensaje es mostrado si no
This message is issued if no such|se encuentra ese registro, en cuyo
record is encountered in which case|caso se usa una direcci?n por defec-
a default starting address, namely |to llamada “%a”.
”%a", will be used. | Suele suceder si el enlazador no
This usually happens if the |puede encontrar las librer?as de
linker cannot find the run-time |tiempo de ejecuci?n requeridas para
libraries required to link your |enlazar la aplicaci?n.“
application” | —> W1023 siempre aparece cuando
—> W1023 always appears when |introduzco #include “SDL/SDL.h”, in-
I write #include “SDL/SDL.h”, even |cluso con la siguiente funci?n main:
when I have such a function main: |
|int main()
int main() | {
{ |
| return 0;
return 0; |
| }
} |
|?Qu? debo hacer para evitar esos
What is/are the mistake/s and how |errores? ?Alguien puede ayudarme?
can it be solved? Anybody can help |
me? |Muchas gracias.
Lot of thanks |

AOL ofrece actualmente una cuenta de correo electr?nico gratuita a todo los
usuarios. Consulta m?s informaci?n sobre los servicios gratuitos que ofrece
AOL en AOL.es http://www.aol.es.

SDL mailing list
SDL at lists.libsdl.org

Change in makefile.wat:
libSDL = -“LIBF $(SDLmain),$(SDL)”

I do not know if it will work.



Una cosita. Te explicaste bien, pero en ingl?s, la palabra para carpeta es “folder.” Si dices “carpet,” eso significa “alfombra.” :stuck_out_tongue:

Que tengas una buen d?a, y que tus errores se resuelvan pronto!

Mason Wheeler