I need help

Hi All… i’m trying yo do a simple program with SDL but i don’t
know what i doing wrong…
I want to move an image called ship over a background called mainScreen
( mainScreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 16, SDL_HWSURFACE); ) …
but the olders ships are not clean…
somebody can tell me what i doing wrong!!!.. THX!!

PD : Excuse my terrible english …

this is the main loop :

while (SDL_WaitEvent(&event))
SDL_Rect *r;
r = calloc(sizeof(SDL_Rect), 1);
switch (event.key.keysym.sym)
case (SDLK_ESCAPE): exit(0); break;
case (SDLK_UP): _y-=5; break;
case (SDLK_DOWN): _y+=5; break;
case (SDLK_LEFT): _x-=5; break;
case (SDLK_RIGHT): _x+=5; break;
SDL_BlitSurface(ship, NULL, mainScreen, r);
SDL_UpdateRects(mainScreen, 1, r);
| Ricardo Markiewicz | El software es como |
±------------------------------+ el sexo… si es |
| Linux Inside! - S.u.S.E. 6.2 | gratis… Mejor!! |
| Kernel 2.2.14 | |

I think you have to use SDL_Flip() if you are using SDL_HW_SURFACE.


IIRC only when using double buffering or software surfaces.On Fri, Jul 28, 2000 at 11:34:49PM -0500, Darrell Walisser wrote:

I think you have to use SDL_Flip() if you are using SDL_HW_SURFACE.

Daniel Vogel
Loki Entertainment Software

Ricardo Markiewicz wrote:

Hi All… i’m trying yo do a simple program with SDL but i don’t
know what i doing wrong…
I want to move an image called ship over a background called mainScreen
( mainScreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 16, SDL_HWSURFACE); ) …
but the olders ships are not clean…
somebody can tell me what i doing wrong!!!.. THX!!

PD : Excuse my terrible english …

this is the main loop :

while (SDL_WaitEvent(&event))
SDL_Rect *r;
r = calloc(sizeof(SDL_Rect), 1);
switch (event.key.keysym.sym)
case (SDLK_ESCAPE): exit(0); break;
case (SDLK_UP): _y-=5; break;
case (SDLK_DOWN): _y+=5; break;
case (SDLK_LEFT): _x-=5; break;
case (SDLK_RIGHT): _x+=5; break;
SDL_BlitSurface(ship, NULL, mainScreen, r);
SDL_UpdateRects(mainScreen, 1, r);

Dang… Your English I don’t mind so much, but your
code is atroshous… (somewhat like my spelling ;-> )

First, every time through the while loop you leak an
SDL_Rect… Probably better to declare ‘r’ as an
SDL_Rect rather than an SDL_Rect*… Second, I
think you misunderstand what a blit is… If we
use the analogy of each surface being a wall, than
blitting from one surface to another would be like
painting on one wall what you see on another. If
I paint my name on your living room wall, and you
decide it’s in the wrong place, my painting my
name again won’t erase what I already painted…
I have to paint over the old image first… Maybe
try something like this:

int _x, _y, finished;
SDL_Surface *saved_region;
SDL_Rect r;

finished = 0;
saved_region = NULL;
while ((!finished) && SDL_WaitEvent(&event))
switch (event.key.keysym.sym)
case (SDLK_ESCAPE): finished=1; break;
case (SDLK_UP): _y-=5; break;
case (SDLK_DOWN): _y+=5; break;
case (SDLK_LEFT): _x-=5; break;
case (SDLK_RIGHT): _x+=5; break;
/* This may flicker a little, but there are
better ways to do this… this is for
illustration purposes /
Erase previous image /
if ( saved_region != NULL ) {
SDL_BlitSurface(saved_region, NULL, mainScreen, &r);
SDL_UpdateRects(mainScreen, 1, &r);
if ( saved_region == NULL ) {
Create a new surface if none exists /
SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE, ship->w, ship->h,
mainScreen->format->Amask, );
Save image /
SDL_BlitSurface(mainScreen, &r, saved_region, NULL);
Blit over it */
SDL_BlitSurface(ship, NULL, mainScreen, &r);
SDL_UpdateRects(mainScreen, 1, &r);
if ( saved_region != NULL ) {

Hope that this helps…


I think you have to use SDL_Flip() if you are using SDL_HW_SURFACE.

IIRC only when using double buffering or software surfaces.

Nitpick: only when you are using page flipping or software surfaces.
Software surfaces always gives you double buffering. :slight_smile: