Memory leak in SDL_ttf 2.0.9?


I’m using SDL_ttf for displaying Text in an application, however the
following line of code seems to clutter up the memory:

TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, “bla”, color);

Since I’m using this in a loop to render constantly changing texts, the
memory fills up quite quickly.
When I comment out this particular line, the memory usage stays constant.
(It actually looks different in the real code of course, but I tested it
with exactly that line).

Any hints?



try this:

Assign it to an SDL_Surface pointer, and free after blitting, just like in the example.

Pat> ----- Original Message -----

From: Pascal Lingnau
To: sdl at
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 7:20:30 PM
Subject: [SDL] Memory leak in SDL_ttf 2.0.9?


I’m using SDL_ttf for displaying Text in an application, however the
following line of code seems to clutter up the memory:

TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, “bla”, color);

Since I’m using this in a loop to render constantly changing texts, the
memory fills up quite quickly.
When I comment out this particular line, the memory usage stays constant.
(It actually looks different in the real code of course, but I tested it
with exactly that line).

Any hints?


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