Minor SDL1.3 bug in SDL_ListModes

In SDL 1.3-4341 the SDL_ListModes() function doesn’t accept anymore a
NULL value as first argument.

It tries to dereference the pointer, also if it’s NULL.

As mentioned in the documentation
http://www.libsdl.org/docs/html/sdllistmodes.html , a NULL value for
the first agument is a valid option.–
Andrea Mazzoleni
935A 2D3C 5C70 BCD6 CB0C ED89 7C19 4321 6340 3F6D

Hello !

In SDL 1.3-4341 the SDL_ListModes() function doesn’t accept anymore a
NULL value as first argument.

It tries to dereference the pointer, also if it’s NULL.

As mentioned in the documentation
http://www.libsdl.org/docs/html/sdllistmodes.html , a NULL value for
the first agument is a valid option.

I don’t know if this is okay or not, but the actual documentation
talks about SDL 1.2 and you are using SDL 1.3. In SDL 1.3 there are
many API changes. You might get around it by using the compat. SDL
header file.


In SDL 1.3-4341 the SDL_ListModes() function doesn’t accept anymore a
NULL value as first argument.

Fixed in revision 4392, thanks!

-Sam Lantinga, Founder and President, Galaxy Gameworks LLC