New Win32 info

Okay, there’s a whole new batch of Win32 cross-compilers available:

including a working native Windows NT compiler!

Also, the latest CVS snapshot of SDL is updated for DirectX 6.0

Here’s some documentation, written by popular demand. :slight_smile:

---- README.Win32 -----==============================================================================
Using the Simple DirectMedia Layer with Windows 95,NT

I. Building the Simple DirectMedia Layer libraries:
(This step isn’t necessary if you have the SDL binary distribution)

First, get an EGCS-based compiler for Win32, which can be found at:

If you want to build the DirectX version of the SDL dynamic link library,
you’ll need to get the DirectX 6.0 header files from Microsoft:

  • You’ll have to download the SDK, unpack it, and copy the header files
    from \dx6sdk\include\ to ./directx/include/ – from your Windows drive
    to SDL source directory. Be sure to run the ./directx/utils/
    script so the headers are usable by the EGCS compiler.

  • The script requires perl. If you are using the native
    WinNT EGCS compiler, you may want to get Perl for Win32 or fix the
    headers on a UNIX system and copy them over to the SDL source directory.

Note that even though SDL uses DirectX 6.0 headers, programs built with
it will run on systems with DirectX 5.0 or better.

I’m not allowed to distribute the DirectX headers myself. If you don’t
have them, you can still use the pre-built SDL library binaries, or build
a slower version of SDL which doesn’t use DirectX.

Once you have the compiler, and copied the DirectX headers if you want them,
you are ready to build SDL for Win32. Make sure the EGCS compiler is in
your PATH, and then:

make win32; make

If everything compiles successfully, you now have the EGCS archive library
libSDL.a and the windows dynamic link libraries in ./lib

II. Building the Simple DirectMedia Layer test programs:

This is easy once you have built the libraries:

cd test; make

III. Building the Simple DirectMedia Layer demo programs:

Go to the directory containing the demo you want to build and type:

make all target=win32

Common problems:
1. The compiler complains about including <windows.h>
- You need to have the Win32 compiler in your execution path.
2. ‘make’ complains about Makefile syntax or missing separators
- You need GNU make, from

IV. Building your own Simple DirectMedia Layer demo programs:

Let’s say you already have the SDL libraries, have played with the source,
and want to write a new demo called “powerSDL”.

  1. Create a new directory in SDL-demos with the name of your project,
    for example “powerSDL”.

  2. Go to your new directory and create a file called “Makefile” that
    looks something like this:


Makefile for powerSDL


include …/GNUmake

$(TARGET): powerSDL.o

  1. Now, create a file called powerSDL.c which contains the source code
    to your program.

  2. Just type ‘make’ and watch for errors.

  3. If your program was successfully compiled, you can now copy powerSDL.exe
    and the SDL libraries (SDL-dib.dll and SDL-dx5.dll) to a PC running
    Windows and try them out.

  4. Debugging your program is very tricky under Windows. Your best bet at
    getting your program working is to develop it under Linux, and then
    using “fprintf(stderr, …)” to fix any quirks your program has in
    Windows. Note: This may change if VC++ or BC++ can compile SDL.

V. Enjoy! :slight_smile:

If you have a project you’d like me to know about, or want to ask questions,
go ahead and join the SDL developer’s mailing list by sending e-mail to:

sdl-subscribe at
