[OT] Re: playing (anything but) audio fx

On Tue, 25/06/2002 20:43:01 , Johannes Schmidt

I would suggest the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol, or HTCPCP.
It is used by coffee.el, the emacs coffee controller.

Ah, thank you! (I knew I did see something somewhere, but not that it was a “real” standard. :slight_smile:

Now, is there a similar protocol for tea brewing? (I prefer tea personally.)

There are plans for 0.5, though. :wink:

Great to hear.
Finally, there is really useful open source software :wink:

That’s the idea; a complete and easy to use solution for wasting your time. Just play! The game will automatically pause when you receive mail, and when your coffee/tea/cola is ready. Of course, the caffeine concentration in your blood can be monitored automatically, to avoid abstinence symptoms with resulting lack of concentration.

What’s next… Matching males/females based on play style and beverage preferences?

OK, this is my last post on this subject. :slight_smile:


| David Olofson
| Programmer

david.olofson at reologica.se
REOLOGICA Instruments AB
Scheelev?gen 30
223 63 LUND
Phone: 046-12 77 60
Fax: 046-12 50 57
E-mail: david.olofson at reologica.se
WWW: http://www.reologica.se

`-----> We Make Rheology Real

David Olofson wrote:

I would suggest the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol, or HTCPCP.
It is used by coffee.el, the emacs coffee controller.

Ah, thank you! (I knew I did see something somewhere, but not that it was a “real” standard. :slight_smile:

What do you mean by that? It’s RFC2324:


That’s as real as it gets on the Internet.

Now, is there a similar protocol for tea brewing? (I prefer tea personally.)

Not yet, but the Net always welcomes contributions.