Particular MP3's instantly stop playing without error


I have been developing a C++ application utilizing SDL_mixer under

Ubuntu Linux. For some reason on particular mp3s, SDL_Mixer will simply not
play them. The files in question will load fine using Mix_LoadMUS (or at
least I get a valid pointer) and after calling Mix_PlayMusic, it will
instantly return and call whatever function Mix_HookMusicFinished is
connected to. For some songs it will work perfectly fine and those same
songs will work fine in the playmus test application. Likewise, the files
that will not play in my application will also not play in the playmus test
application. Before I tried the playmus application, I also ran tests to
make sure that the files were not paused. Also, as I mentioned in the
subject, I have tried using Mix_GetError() to make sure that no error is
being thrown. Likewise, Mix_PlayMusic returns 0 for success when playing
those songs.

I made sure to do a decent search of the mailing list for any information
pertaining to this before I asked but couldn’t come up with any relevant
queries. Thanks for any advice you can provide me!

James Miller

My advice would be to put the MP3s up somewhere and provide a link so people can actually test them.________________________________
From: (James Miller)
To: sdl at
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 5:57:58 PM
Subject: [SDL] Particular MP3’s instantly stop playing without error


I have been developing a C++ application utilizing

SDL_mixer under Ubuntu Linux. For some reason on particular mp3s,
SDL_Mixer will simply not play them. The files in question will load
fine using Mix_LoadMUS (or at least I get a valid pointer) and after
calling Mix_PlayMusic, it will instantly return and call whatever
function Mix_HookMusicFinished is connected to. For some songs it will
work perfectly fine and those same songs will work fine in the playmus
test application. Likewise, the files that will not play in my
application will also not play in the playmus test application. Before
I tried the playmus application, I also ran tests to make sure that the
files were not paused. Also, as I mentioned in the subject, I have
tried using Mix_GetError() to make sure that no error is being thrown.
Likewise, Mix_PlayMusic returns 0 for success when playing those songs.

I made sure to do a decent search of the mailing list for any
information pertaining to this before I asked but couldn’t come up with
any relevant queries. Thanks for any advice you can provide me!

James Miller

Oops, you’re absolutely right. Here is a link to one of the mp3s that
doesn’t work that I’ve shared through my Dropbox. Let me know if anyone has
any trouble pulling the file down. Once again, thanks for your help!

James Miller
http://teyaandjames.blogspot.comOn Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 9:23 PM, Mason Wheeler wrote:

My advice would be to put the MP3s up somewhere and provide a link so
people can actually test them.

From: James Miller <@James_Miller>
To: sdl at
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 5:57:58 PM
Subject: [SDL] Particular MP3’s instantly stop playing without error


I have been developing a C++ application utilizing SDL_mixer under

Ubuntu Linux. For some reason on particular mp3s, SDL_Mixer will simply not
play them. The files in question will load fine using Mix_LoadMUS (or at
least I get a valid pointer) and after calling Mix_PlayMusic, it will
instantly return and call whatever function Mix_HookMusicFinished is
connected to. For some songs it will work perfectly fine and those same
songs will work fine in the playmus test application. Likewise, the files
that will not play in my application will also not play in the playmus test
application. Before I tried the playmus application, I also ran tests to
make sure that the files were not paused. Also, as I mentioned in the
subject, I have tried using Mix_GetError() to make sure that no error is
being thrown. Likewise, Mix_PlayMusic returns 0 for success when playing
those songs.

I made sure to do a decent search of the mailing list for any information
pertaining to this before I asked but couldn’t come up with any relevant
queries. Thanks for any advice you can provide me!

James Miller

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SDL at