Prob w/SDL_RWFromFile&SDL_ReadBE16


…this is driving me nuts…I’m basing my PSD loading code on the
SDL_bmp.c code where the following is done:

/* Read in the BMP file header */
fp_offset = SDL_RWtell(src);
if ( SDL_RWread(src, magic, 1, 2) != 2 ) {
	was_error = 1;
	goto done;
if ( strncmp(magic, "BM", 2) != 0 ) {
	SDL_SetError("File is not a Windows BMP file");
	was_error = 1;
	goto done;
bfSize		= SDL_ReadLE32(src);=============================================

my code snippet is the following in cpp (on OSX):

 SDL_RWops *src;
 src = SDL_RWFromFile( FileName, "rb");
 fp_offset = SDL_RWtell(src);
 if ( SDL_RWread(src, magic, 1, 4) != 4 )
         return NULL;
 if ( (magic[0] == 'B') && (magic[1] == 'M') )	//load BMP
         return NULL;
 if ( (magic[0] == '8') && (magic[1] == 'B') )	//load PSD
     PSDFile *Psd;
     Psd->Version = SDL_ReadBE16(src);


…the problem is that everytime I get to SDL_ReadBE16(src), I get an
EXC_BAD_ACCESS! Am I overlooking something?

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Me wrote:

     PSDFile *Psd;
     Psd->Version = SDL_ReadBE16(src);


…the problem is that everytime I get to SDL_ReadBE16(src), I get an
EXC_BAD_ACCESS! Am I overlooking something?

Yes. Dereferencing Psd is undefined because there’s no memory allocated
on the end of that pointer.–

Me wrote:

     PSDFile *Psd;
     Psd->Version = SDL_ReadBE16(src);


…the problem is that everytime I get to SDL_ReadBE16(src), I get an
EXC_BAD_ACCESS! Am I overlooking something?

Yes. Dereferencing Psd is undefined because there’s no memory allocated
on the end of that pointer.

hi kylotan,

…actually there is, I just didn’t include that in the snippet :wink:

…after a bit more brainstorming (and potentially showing my ignorance
of the, uh, “finer points” of c vs. c++), I found that I could get
around this if I made the “SDL_RWops *src” into a global variable…but
that screws up other variables that should be available…I’ll put this
aside until I can find a c++ reference book at home…

jamieOn Tuesday, May 6, 2003, at 01:35 PM, Kylotan wrote: