Problems with SDL and OpenGL

Hi there… Please forgive me if I post this on the wrong mailing list

I’m doing some code with libSDL and OpenGL. Now, I’ve tested my stuff on
Windows boxes and it runs great… The main problem is when I try to run it
on my Ubuntu Linux box.

When I run the application it clears it the screen and puts up the blue
color that I’ve set using glClearColor, but it fails to draw the rest of the

Anyone seen this problem before?

Does other SDL/OpenGL games work fine?

Are you sure your video card is set properly up? Does glxinfo give a
sane report?

If all this is the case, try making a minimum example of code that
still produces the problem, and post the code here.On 4/24/06, Kenneth ?stby <kenneth.ostby at> wrote:

I’m doing some code with libSDL and OpenGL. Now, I’ve tested my stuff on
Windows boxes and it runs great… The main problem is when I try to run it
on my Ubuntu Linux box.

When I run the application it clears it the screen and puts up the blue
color that I’ve set using glClearColor, but it fails to draw the rest of the

Rasmus Neckelmann