RFC: Android build instructions


I created a new page on the wiki at:

The goal is to provide easy-to-follow, walkthrough instructions to
compile SDL2 apps for Android.

I added a couple simple ndk-build examples, then I focused on an
autotools-based environment (would work with CMake too), so that
portable games can keep their existing build system rather than re-do
everything with painful ndk-build. I just rebuilt GNU FreeDink with
this and it’s pretty satisfying.

I’m not sure I used everything as intended (symlinks to SDL2_mixer
dependencies…), so comments welcome :slight_smile:


You might check, for SDL_Net, and mikmod, webp, … on Activity:
< http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.sdl/65956 >.
I’d have to check your entry, seems cool to build for android straight from
a configure project.

Hi,On Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 10:13:22PM +0200, Juan Manuel Borges Ca?o wrote:

You might check, for SDL_Net, and mikmod, webp, … on Activity:
< http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.sdl/65956 >.
I’d have to check your entry, seems cool to build for android straight from
a configure project.

I checked and it seems we use the same symlinks method to build each
module :slight_smile:

I noted that SDLActivity only need these libs:
static {
the others are detected from libmain.so linked deps.

I reworked on this today, tested and simplified the procedure.
It begins to be smooth, especially with the HG versions of SDL2_*.
