SDL 1.2.14 on MacBookPro (patches)

Hello everyone,

We recently fixed an issue in libSDL 1.2.14 when running on MacBookPros with their dual video modes that can change dynamically. We found that even after a screen context had been created, the hardware providing the display could dynamically change and subsequent drawing would crash our application.

The following change to src/video/quartz/SDL_QuartzVideo.m fixed the issue for us:


static int QZ_LockHWSurface(_THIS, SDL_Surface surface)
if (surface == SDL_VideoSurface) { // %%KAB: Always get latest bitmap address and rowbytes since they can change dynamically!!!
surface->pixels = (void
) CGDisplayBaseAddress (kCGDirectMainDisplay);
surface->pitch = CGDisplayBytesPerRow (kCGDirectMainDisplay);
return (surface->pixels != NULL);
return 1;

We made another change to comment out a CGContextRelease() on an already autoreleased object in this function (same source file) :


static void QZ_UpdateRects (_THIS, int numRects, SDL_Rect *rects)
if (SDL_VideoSurface->flags & SDL_OPENGLBLIT) {
QZ_GL_SwapBuffers (this);
else if ( [ qz_window isMiniaturized ] ) {

    /* Do nothing if miniaturized */

else {
    CGContextRef cgc = (CGContextRef)
        [[NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithWindow: qz_window]
    QZ_DrawResizeIcon (this);
    CGContextFlush (cg_context);
    CGImageRef image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage (cg_context);
    CGRect rectangle = CGRectMake (0,0,[window_view frame].size.width,[window_view frame].size.height);
    CGContextDrawImage (cgc, rectangle, image);
    CGContextFlush (cgc);
    //CGContextRelease (cgc);	// %%KAB: this object was already autoreleased when obtained above.


All of my code changes are marked with a comment with my initials.

Kind regards,


Kirk A. Baker
Senior Software Engineer
Camera Bits, Inc.

The following change to src/video/quartz/SDL_QuartzVideo.m fixed the
issue for us:
We made another change to comment out a CGContextRelease() on an already
autoreleased object in this function (same source file) :

These two fixes are in revision control now, thanks!


Great, thanks Ryan.
