SDL 2.0.8 and iOS SDK version

As far as I see requirements in docs/ file:
Requirements: Mac OS X 10.8 or later and the iOS 7+ SDK.

Mac-Admin:~ admin$ sw_vers -productVersion
Mac-Admin:~ admin$ 

Mac-Admin:~ admin$ xcodebuild -showsdks
	iOS 10.2                      	-sdk iphoneos10.2

iOS Simulator SDKs:
	Simulator - iOS 10.2          	-sdk iphonesimulator10.2

macOS SDKs:
	macOS 10.12                   	-sdk macosx10.12

tvOS SDKs:
	tvOS 10.1                     	-sdk appletvos10.1

tvOS Simulator SDKs:
	Simulator - tvOS 10.1         	-sdk appletvsimulator10.1

watchOS SDKs:
	watchOS 3.1                   	-sdk watchos3.1

watchOS Simulator SDKs:
	Simulator - watchOS 3.1       	-sdk watchsimulator3.1

Mac-Admin:~ admin$ 

And I use xcode 8.

When I try to compile SDL library I get an erro on the file:

static void SDLCALL
SDL_HideHomeIndicatorHintChanged(void *userdata, const char *name, const char *oldValue, const char *hint)
    @autoreleasepool {
        SDL_uikitviewcontroller *viewcontroller = (__bridge SDL_uikitviewcontroller *) userdata;
        viewcontroller.homeIndicatorHidden = (hint && *hint) ? SDL_atoi(hint) : -1;
        if (@available(iOS 11.0, *)) {
            [viewcontroller setNeedsUpdateOfHomeIndicatorAutoHidden];
            [viewcontroller setNeedsUpdateOfScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures];

Could anyone help me to solve the problem?
