SDL: Add parametrized release script

From e4126d8d6f24804fddc5dbb9821f1866b97d66b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anonymous Maarten <[EMAIL REDACTED]>
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 01:40:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add parametrized release script

[ci skip]
 .github/workflows/release.yml                 |  23 +-
 build-scripts/                | 973 ++++++++++++------
 build-scripts/               |   7 +-
 build-scripts/release-info.json               | 119 +++
 mingw/pkg-support/Makefile                    |  11 +-
 .../cmake/sdl2-config-version.cmake           |   4 +-
 mingw/pkg-support/cmake/sdl2-config.cmake     |   4 +-
 7 files changed, 800 insertions(+), 341 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 build-scripts/release-info.json

diff --git a/.github/workflows/release.yml b/.github/workflows/release.yml
index f6f0c56665a8d..c740c2399158a 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/release.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/release.yml
@@ -37,9 +37,8 @@ jobs:
         shell: bash
         run: |
           python build-scripts/ \
-            --create source \
+            --actions source \
             --commit ${{ inputs.commit }} \
-            --project SDL2 \
             --root "${{ github.workspace }}/SDL" \
             --github \
@@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ jobs:
       - name: 'Set up Python'
         uses: actions/setup-python@v5
-          python-version: '3.10'
+          python-version: '3.11'
       - name: 'Fetch'
         uses: actions/checkout@v4
@@ -114,9 +113,8 @@ jobs:
         shell: bash
         run: |
           python build-scripts/ \
-            --create framework \
+            --actions dmg \
             --commit ${{ inputs.commit }} \
-            --project SDL2 \
             --root "${{ steps.tar.outputs.path }}" \
             --github \
@@ -192,7 +190,7 @@ jobs:
       - name: 'Set up Python'
         uses: actions/setup-python@v5
-          python-version: '3.10'
+          python-version: '3.11'
       - name: 'Fetch'
         uses: actions/checkout@v4
@@ -213,9 +211,8 @@ jobs:
         id: releaser
         run: |
           python build-scripts/     `
-            --create win32                          `
+            --actions msvc                         `
             --commit ${{ inputs.commit }}           `
-            --project SDL2                          `
             --root "${{ }}"  `
             --github                                `
@@ -310,7 +307,7 @@ jobs:
       - name: 'Set up Python'
         uses: actions/setup-python@v5
-          python-version: '3.10'
+          python-version: '3.11'
       - name: 'Fetch'
         uses: actions/checkout@v4
@@ -334,9 +331,8 @@ jobs:
         id: releaser
         run: |
           python build-scripts/     \
-            --create mingw                          \
+            --actions mingw                         \
             --commit ${{ inputs.commit }}           \
-            --project SDL2                          \
             --root "${{ steps.tar.outputs.path }}"  \
             --github                                \
@@ -370,12 +366,13 @@ jobs:
           mkdir -p /tmp/tardir
           tar -C /tmp/tardir -v -x -f "${{ github.workspace }}/${{ needs.src.outputs.src-tar-gz }}"
           echo "path=/tmp/tardir/${{ needs.src.outputs.project }}-${{ needs.src.outputs.version }}" >>$GITHUB_OUTPUT
-      - name: 'Untar ${{ needs.mingw.outputs.mingw-devel-tar-gz }}'
+      - name: 'Untar and install ${{ needs.mingw.outputs.mingw-devel-tar-gz }}'
         id: bin
         run: |
           mkdir -p /tmp/mingw-tardir
           tar -C /tmp/mingw-tardir -v -x -f "${{ github.workspace }}/${{ needs.mingw.outputs.mingw-devel-tar-gz }}"
-          echo "path=/tmp/mingw-tardir/${{ needs.src.outputs.project }}-${{ needs.src.outputs.version }}" >>$GITHUB_OUTPUT
+          make -C /tmp/mingw-tardir/${{ needs.src.outputs.project }}-${{ needs.src.outputs.version }} cross CROSS_PATH=/tmp/deps-mingw
+          echo "path=/tmp/deps-mingw" >>$GITHUB_OUTPUT
       - name: 'CMake (configure + build) i686'
         run: |
           set -e
diff --git a/build-scripts/ b/build-scripts/
index 0da88a075bcb8..0625ad6e1a6d7 100755
--- a/build-scripts/
+++ b/build-scripts/
@@ -1,13 +1,22 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
+This script is shared between SDL2, SDL2_image, SDL2_mixer and SDL2_ttf.
+Don't specialize this script for doing project-specific modifications.
+Rather, modify release-info.json.
 import argparse
 import collections
+from import Callable
 import contextlib
 import datetime
+import fnmatch
 import glob
 import io
 import json
 import logging
+import multiprocessing
 import os
 from pathlib import Path
 import platform
@@ -24,18 +33,43 @@
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-VcArchDevel = collections.namedtuple("VcArchDevel", ("dll", "pdb", "imp", "main", "test"))
 GIT_HASH_FILENAME = ".git-hash"
-    "armeabi-v7a",
-    "arm64-v8a",
-    "x86",
-    "x86_64",
+def safe_isotime_to_datetime(str_isotime: str) -> datetime.datetime:
+    try:
+        return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(str_isotime)
+    except ValueError:
+        pass
+    logger.warning("Invalid iso time: %s", str_isotime)
+    if str_isotime[-6:-5] in ("+", "-"):
+        # Commits can have isotime with invalid timezone offset (e.g. "2021-07-04T20:01:40+32:00")
+        modified_str_isotime = str_isotime[:-6] + "+00:00"
+        try:
+            return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(modified_str_isotime)
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+    raise ValueError(f"Invalid isotime: {str_isotime}")
+class VsArchPlatformConfig:
+    def __init__(self, arch: str, platform: str, configuration: str):
+        self.arch = arch
+        self.platform = platform
+        self.configuration = configuration
+    def configure(self, s: str) -> str:
+        return s.replace("@ARCH@", self.arch).replace("@PLATFORM@", self.platform).replace("@CONFIGURATION@", self.configuration)
+def chdir(path):
+    original_cwd = os.getcwd()
+    try:
+        os.chdir(path)
+        yield
+    finally:
+        os.chdir(original_cwd)
 class Executer:
@@ -43,14 +77,18 @@ def __init__(self, root: Path, dry: bool=False):
         self.root = root
         self.dry = dry
-    def run(self, cmd, stdout=False, dry_out=None, force=False):
+    def run(self, cmd, cwd=None, env=None):
+"Executing args=%r", cmd)
+        if not self.dry:
+  , check=True, cwd=cwd or self.root, env=env, text=True)
+    def check_output(self, cmd, cwd=None, dry_out=None, env=None, text=True):"Executing args=%r", cmd)
-        if self.dry and not force:
-            if stdout:
-                return["echo", "-E", dry_out or ""], stdout=subprocess.PIPE if stdout else None, text=True, check=True, cwd=self.root)
-        else:
-            return, stdout=subprocess.PIPE if stdout else None, text=True, check=True, cwd=self.root)
+        sys.stdout.flush()
+        if self.dry:
+            return dry_out
+        return subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=cwd or self.root, env=env, text=text)
 class SectionPrinter:
@@ -103,7 +141,7 @@ def find_vsdevcmd(self, year: typing.Optional[str]=None) -> typing.Optional[Path
                 return None
             vswhere_spec.extend(["-version", f"[{version},{version+1})"])
         vswhere_cmd = ["vswhere"] + vswhere_spec + ["-property", "installationPath"]
-        vs_install_path = Path(, stdout=True, dry_out="/tmp").stdout.strip())
+        vs_install_path = Path(self.executer.check_output(vswhere_cmd, dry_out="/tmp").strip())"VS install_path = %s", vs_install_path)
         assert vs_install_path.is_dir(), "VS installation path does not exist"
         vsdevcmd_path = vs_install_path / "Common7/Tools/vsdevcmd.bat"
@@ -116,7 +154,7 @@ def find_vsdevcmd(self, year: typing.Optional[str]=None) -> typing.Optional[Path
     def find_msbuild(self) -> typing.Optional[Path]:
         vswhere_cmd = ["vswhere", "-latest", "-requires", "Microsoft.Component.MSBuild", "-find", r"MSBuild\**\Bin\MSBuild.exe"]
-        msbuild_path = Path(, stdout=True, dry_out="/tmp/MSBuild.exe").stdout.strip())
+        msbuild_path = Path(self.executer.check_output(vswhere_cmd, dry_out="/tmp/MSBuild.exe").strip())"MSBuild path = %s", msbuild_path)
         if self.dry:
             msbuild_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
@@ -124,11 +162,11 @@ def find_msbuild(self) -> typing.Optional[Path]:
         assert msbuild_path.is_file(), "MSBuild.exe does not exist"
         return msbuild_path
-    def build(self, arch: str, platform: str, configuration: str, projects: list[Path]):
+    def build(self, arch_platform: VsArchPlatformConfig, projects: list[Path]):
         assert projects, "Need at least one project to build"
-        vsdev_cmd_str = f"\"{self.vsdevcmd}\" -arch={arch}"
-        msbuild_cmd_str = " && ".join([f"\"{self.msbuild}\" \"{project}\" /m /p:BuildInParallel=true /p:Platform={platform} /p:Configuration={configuration}" for project in projects])
+        vsdev_cmd_str = f"\"{self.vsdevcmd}\" -arch={arch_platform.arch}"
+        msbuild_cmd_str = " && ".join([f"\"{self.msbuild}\" \"{project}\" /m /p:BuildInParallel=true /p:Platform={arch_platform.platform} /p:Configuration={arch_platform.configuration}" for project in projects])
         bat_contents = f"{vsdev_cmd_str} && {msbuild_cmd_str}\n"
         bat_path = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "cmd.bat"
         with"w") as f:
@@ -139,35 +177,147 @@ def build(self, arch: str, platform: str, configuration: str, projects: list[Pat
-class Releaser:
-    def __init__(self, project: str, commit: str, root: Path, dist_path: Path, section_printer: SectionPrinter, executer: Executer, cmake_generator: str):
-        self.project = project
-        self.version = self.extract_sdl_version(root=root, project=project)
+class Archiver:
+    def __init__(self, zip_path: typing.Optional[Path]=None, tgz_path: typing.Optional[Path]=None, txz_path: typing.Optional[Path]=None):
+        self._zip_files = []
+        self._tar_files = []
+        self._added_files = set()
+        if zip_path:
+            self._zip_files.append(zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED))
+        if tgz_path:
+            self._tar_files.append(, "w:gz"))
+        if txz_path:
+            self._tar_files.append(, "w:xz"))
+    @property
+    def added_files(self) -> set[str]:
+        return self._added_files
+    def add_file_data(self, arcpath: str, data: bytes, mode: int, time: datetime.datetime):
+        for zf in self._zip_files:
+            file_data_time = (time.year, time.month,, time.hour, time.minute, time.second)
+            zip_info = zipfile.ZipInfo(filename=arcpath, date_time=file_data_time)
+            zip_info.external_attr = mode << 16
+            zip_info.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
+            zf.writestr(zip_info, data=data)
+        for tf in self._tar_files:
+            tar_info = tarfile.TarInfo(arcpath)
+            tar_info.type = tarfile.REGTYPE
+            tar_info.mode = mode
+            tar_info.size = len(data)
+            tar_info.mtime = int(time.timestamp())
+            tf.addfile(tar_info, fileobj=io.BytesIO(data))
+        self._added_files.add(arcpath)
+    def add_symlink(self, arcpath: str, target: str, time: datetime.datetime, files_for_zip):
+        for zf in self._zip_files:
+            file_data_time = (time.year, time.month,, time.hour, time.minute, time.second)
+            for f in files_for_zip:
+                zip_info = zipfile.ZipInfo(filename=f["arcpath"], date_time=file_data_time)
+                zip_info.external_attr = f["mode"] << 16
+                zip_info.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
+                zf.writestr(zip_info, data=f["data"])
+        for tf in self._tar_files:
+            tar_info = tarfile.TarInfo(arcpath)
+            tar_info.type = tarfile.SYMTYPE
+            tar_info.mode = 0o777
+            tar_info.mtime = int(time.timestamp())
+            tar_info.linkname = target
+            tf.addfile(tar_info)
+        self._added_files.update(f["arcpath"] for f in files_for_zip)
+    def add_git_hash(self, commit: str, arcdir: typing.Optional[str]=None, time: typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]=None):
+        arcpath = GIT_HASH_FILENAME
+        if arcdir and arcdir[-1:] != "/":
+            arcpath = f"{arcdir}/{arcpath}"
+        if not time:
+            time = datetime.datetime(year=2024, month=4, day=1)
+        data = f"{commit}\n".encode()
+        self.add_file_data(arcpath=arcpath, data=data, mode=0o100644, time=time)
+    def add_file_path(self, arcpath: str, path: Path):
+        assert path.is_file(), f"{path} should be a file"
+        for zf in self._zip_files:
+            zf.write(path, arcname=arcpath)
+        for tf in self._tar_files:
+            tf.add(path, arcname=arcpath)
+    def add_file_directory(self, arcdirpath: str, dirpath: Path):
+        assert dirpath.is_dir()
+        if arcdirpath and arcdirpath[-1:] != "/":
+            arcdirpath += "/"
+        for f in dirpath.iterdir():
+            if f.is_file():
+                arcpath = f"{arcdirpath}{}"
+                logger.debug("Adding %s to %s", f, arcpath)
+                self.add_file_path(arcpath=arcpath, path=f)
+    def close(self):
+        # Archiver is intentionally made invalid after this function
+        del self._zip_files
+        self._zip_files = None
+        del self._tar_files
+        self._tar_files = None
+    def __enter__(self):
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+        self.close()
+class SourceCollector:
+    TreeItem = collections.namedtuple("TreeItem", ("path", "mode", "data", "symtarget", "directory", "time"))
+    def __init__(self, root: Path, commit: str, filter: typing.Optional[Callable[[str], bool]], executer: Executer):
         self.root = root
         self.commit = commit
-        self.dist_path = dist_path
-        self.section_printer = section_printer
+        self.filter = filter
         self.executer = executer
-        self.cmake_generator = cmake_generator
+        self._git_contents: typing.Optional[dict[str, SourceCollector.TreeItem]] = None
-        self.artifacts: dict[str, Path] = {}
+    def _get_git_contents(self) -> dict[str, TreeItem]:
+        contents_tgz = subprocess.check_output(["git", "archive", "--format=tar.gz", self.commit, "-o", "/dev/stdout"], cwd=self.root, text=False)
+        tar_archive =, mode="r:gz")
+        filenames = tuple( for m in tar_archive if (m.isfile() or m.issym()))
-    @property
-    def dry(self) -> bool:
-        return self.executer.dry
+        file_times = self._get_file_times(paths=filenames)
+        git_contents = {}
+        for ti in tar_archive:
+            if self.filter and not self.filter(
+                continue
+            data = None
+            symtarget = None
+            directory = False
+            file_time = None
+            if ti.isfile():
+                contents_file = tar_archive.extractfile(
+                data =
+                file_time = file_times[]
+            elif ti.issym():
+                symtarget = ti.linkname
+                file_time = file_times[]
+            elif ti.isdir():
+                directory = True
+            else:
+                raise ValueError(f"{}: unknown type")
+            git_contents[] = self.TreeItem(, mode=ti.mode, data=data, symtarget=symtarget, directory=directory, time=file_time)
+        return git_contents
-    def prepare(self):
-        logger.debug("Creating dist folder")
-        self.dist_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    @property
+    def git_contents(self) -> dict[str, TreeItem]:
+        if self._git_contents is None:
+            self._git_contents = self._get_git_contents()
+        return self._git_contents
-    TreeItem = collections.namedtuple("TreeItem", ("path", "mode", "data", "time"))
     def _get_file_times(self, paths: tuple[str, ...]) -> dict[str, datetime.datetime]:
         dry_out = textwrap.dedent("""\
-        git_log_out =["git", "log", "--name-status", '--pretty=time=%cI', self.commit], stdout=True, dry_out=dry_out).stdout.splitlines(keepends=False)
+        git_log_out = self.executer.check_output(["git", "log", "--name-status", '--pretty=time=%cI', self.commit], dry_out=dry_out, cwd=self.root).splitlines(keepends=False)
         current_time = None
         set_paths = set(paths)
         path_times: dict[str, datetime.datetime] = {}
@@ -175,98 +325,191 @@ def _get_file_times(self, paths: tuple[str, ...]) -> dict[str, datetime.datetime
             if not line:
             if line.startswith("time="):
-                current_time = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(line.removeprefix("time="))
+                current_time = safe_isotime_to_datetime(line.removeprefix("time="))
             mod_type, file_paths = line.split(maxsplit=1)
             assert current_time is not None
             for file_path in file_paths.split("\t"):
                 if file_path in set_paths and file_path not in path_times:
                     path_times[file_path] = current_time
-        assert set(path_times.keys()) == set_paths
+        # FIXME: find out why some files are not shown in "git log"
+        # assert set(path_times.keys()) == set_paths
+        if set(path_times.keys()) != set_paths:
+            found_times = set(path_times.keys())
+            paths_without_times = set_paths.difference(found_times)
+            logger.warning("No times found for these paths: %s", paths_without_times)
+            max_time = max(time for time in path_times.values())
+            for path in paths_without_times:
+                path_times[path] = max_time
         return path_times
-    @staticmethod
-    def _path_filter(path: str):
+    def add_to_archiver(self, archive_base: str, archiver: Archiver):
+        remaining_symlinks = set()
+        added_files = dict()
+        def calculate_symlink_target(s: SourceCollector.TreeItem) -> str:
+            dest_dir = os.path.dirname(s.path)
+            if dest_dir:
+                dest_dir += "/"
+            target = dest_dir + s.symtarget
+            while True:
+                new_target, n = re.subn(r"([^/]+/+[.]{2}/)", "", target)
+                print(f"{target=} {new_target=}")
+                target = new_target
+                if not n:
+                    break
+            return target
+        # Add files in first pass
+        for git_file in self.git_contents.values():
+            if is not None:
+                archiver.add_file_data(arcpath=f"{archive_base}/{git_file.path}",, time=git_file.time, mode=git_file.mode)
+                added_files[git_file.path] = git_file
+            elif git_file.symtarget is not None:
+                remaining_symlinks.add(git_file)
+        # Resolve symlinks in second pass: zipfile does not support symlinks, so add files to zip archive
+        while True:
+            if not remaining_symlinks:
+                break
+            symlinks_this_time = set()
+            extra_added_files = {}
+            for symlink in remaining_symlinks:
+                symlink_files_for_zip = {}
+                symlink_target_path = calculate_symlink_target(symlink)
+                if symlink_target_path in added_files:
+                    symlink_files_for_zip[symlink.path] = added_files[symlink_target_path]
+                else:
+                    symlink_target_path_slash = symlink_target_path + "/"
+                    for added_file in added_files:
+                        if added_file.startswith(symlink_target_path_slash):
+                            path_in_symlink = symlink.path + "/" + added_file.removeprefix(symlink_target_path_slash)
+                            symlink_files_for_zip[path_in_symlink] = added_files[added_file]
+                if symlink_files_for_zip:
+                    symlinks_this_time.add(symlink)
+                    extra_added_files.update(symlink_files_for_zip)
+                    files_for_zip = [{"arcpath": f"{archive_base}/{sym_path}", "data":, "mode": sym_info.mode} for sym_path, sym_info in symlink_files_for_zip.items()]
+                    archiver.add_symlink(arcpath=f"{archive_base}/{symlink.path}", target=symlink.symtarget, time=symlink.time, files_for_zip=files_for_zip)
+            # if not symlinks_this_time:
+            #"files added: %r", set(path for path in added_files.keys()))
+            assert symlinks_this_time, f"No targets found for symlinks: {remaining_symlinks}"
+            remaining_symlinks.difference_update(symlinks_this_time)
+            added_files.update(extra_added_files)
+class Releaser:
+    def __init__(self, release_info: dict, commit: str, root: Path, dist_path: Path, section_printer: SectionPrinter, executer: Executer, cmake_generator: str, deps_path: Path, overwrite: bool, github: bool, fast: bool):
+        self.release_info = release_info
+        self.project = release_info["name"]
+        self.version = self.extract_sdl_version(root=root, release_info=release_info)
+        self.root = root
+        self.commit = commit
+        self.dist_path = dist_path
+        self.section_printer = section_printer
+        self.executer = executer
+        self.cmake_generator = cmake_generator
+        self.cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+        self.deps_path = deps_path
+        self.overwrite = overwrite
+        self.github = github
+ = fast
+        self.artifacts: dict[str, Path] = {}
+    @property
+    def dry(self) -> bool:
+        return self.executer.dry
+    def prepare(self):
+        logger.debug("Creating dist folder")
+        self.dist_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    @classmethod
+    def _path_filter(cls, path: str) -> bool:
+        if ".gitmodules" in path:
+            return True
         if path.startswith(".git"):
             return False
         return True
-    def _get_git_contents(self) -> dict[str, TreeItem]:
-        contents_tgz = subprocess.check_output(["git", "archive", "--format=tar.gz", self.commit, "-o", "/dev/stdout"], text=False)
-        contents =, mode="r:gz")
-        filenames = tuple( for m in contents if m.isfile())
-        assert "src/SDL.c" in filenames
-        assert "include/SDL.h" in filenames
-        file_times = self._get_file_times(filenames)
-        git_contents = {}
-        for ti in contents:
-            if not ti.isfile():
-                continue
-            if not self._path_filter(
-                continue
-            contents_file = contents.extractfile(
-            assert contents_file, f"{} is not a file"
-            git_contents[] = self.TreeItem(, mode=ti.mode,, time=file_times[])
-        return git_contents
+    @classmethod
+    def _external_repo_path_filter(cls, path: str) -> bool:
+        if not cls._path_filter(path):
+            return False
+        if path.startswith("test/") or path.startswith("tests/"):
+            return False
+        return True
     def create_source_archives(self) -> None:
         archive_base = f"{self.project}-{self.version}"
-        git_contents = self._get_git_contents()
-        git_files = list(git_contents.values())
-        assert len(git_contents) == len(git_files)
-        latest_mod_time = max(item.time for item in git_files)
+        project_souce_collector = SourceCollector(root=self.root, commit=self.commit, executer=self.executer, filter=self._path_filter)
-        git_files.append(self.TreeItem(path="VERSION.txt", data=f"{self.version}\n".encode(), mode=0o100644, time=latest_mod_time))
-        git_files.append(self.TreeItem(path=GIT_HASH_FILENAME, data=f"{self.commit}\n".encode(), mode=0o100644, time=latest_mod_time))
-        git_files.sort(key=lambda v: v.time)
+        latest_mod_time = max(item.time for item in project_souce_collector.git_contents.values() if item.time)
         zip_path = self.dist_path / f"{archive_base}.zip"
-"Creating .zip source archive (%s)...", zip_path)
+        tgz_path = self.dist_path / f"{archive_base}.tar.gz"
+        txz_path = self.dist_path / f"{archive_base}.tar.xz"
+"Creating zip/tgz/txz source archives ...")
         if self.dry:
+            tgz_path.touch()
+            txz_path.touch()
-            with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_object:
-                for git_file in git_files:
-                    file_data_time = (git_file.time.year, git_file.time.month,, git_file.time.hour, git_file.time.minute, git_file.time.second)
-                    zip_info = zipfile.ZipInfo(filename=f"{archive_base}/{git_file.path}", date_time=file_data_time)
-                    zip_info.external_attr = git_file.mode << 16
-                    zip_info.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
-                    zip_object.writestr(zip_info,
-        self.artifacts["src-zip"] = zip_path
+            with Archiver(zip_path=zip_path, tgz_path=tgz_path, txz_path=txz_path) as archiver:
+                archiver.add_file_data(arcpath=f"{archive_base}/VERSION.txt", data=f"{self.version}\n".encode(), mode=0o100644, time=latest_mod_time)
+                archiver.add_file_data(arcpath=f"{archive_base}/{GIT_HASH_FILENAME}", data=f"{self.commit}\n".encode(), mode=0o100644, time=latest_mod_time)
-        tar_types = (
-            (".tar.gz", "gz"),
-            (".tar.xz", "xz"),
-        )
-        for ext, comp in tar_types:
-            tar_path = self.dist_path / f"{archive_base}{ext}"
-  "Creating %s source archive (%s)...", ext, tar_path)
-            if self.dry:
-                tar_path.touch()
-            else:
-                with, f"w:{comp}") as tar_object:
-                    for git_file in git_files:
-                        tar_info = tarfile.TarInfo(f"{archive_base}/{git_file.path}")
-                        tar_info.mode = git_file.mode
-                        tar_info.size = len(
-                        tar_info.mtime = git_file.time.timestamp()
-                        tar_object.addfile(tar_info, fileobj=io.BytesIO(
-            if tar_path.suffix == ".gz":
-                # Zero the embedded timestamp in the gzip'ed tarball
-                with open(tar_path, "r+b") as f:
-          , 0)
-                    f.write(b"\x00\x00\x00\x00")
+                print(f"Adding source files of main project ...")
+                project_souce_collector.add_to_archiver(archive_base=archive_base, archiver=archiver)
+                for extra_repo in self.release_info["source"].get("extra-repos", []):
+                    extra_repo_root = self.root / extra_repo
+                    assert (extra_repo_root / ".git").exists(), f"{extra_repo_root} must be a git repo"
+                    extra_repo_commit = self.executer.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], dry_out=f"gitsha-extra-repo-{extra_repo}", cwd=extra_repo_root).strip()
+                    extra_repo_source_collector = SourceCollector(root=extra_repo_root, commit=extra_repo_commit, executer=self.executer, filter=self._external_repo_path_filter)
+                    print(f"Adding source files of {extra_repo} ...")
+                    extra_repo_source_collector.add_to_archiver(archive_base=f"{archive_base}/{extra_repo}", archiver=archiver)
+            for file in self.release_info["source"]["checks"]:
+                assert f"{archive_base}/{file}" in archiver.added_files, f"'{archive_base}/{file}' must exist"
-            self.artifacts[f"src-tar-{comp}"] = tar_path
+"... done")
-    def create_framework(self, configuration: str="Release") -> None:
-        dmg_in = self.root / f"Xcode/SDL/build/{self.project}.dmg"
+        self.artifacts["src-zip"] = zip_path
+        self.artifacts["src-tar-gz"] = tgz_path
+        self.artifacts["src-tar-xz"] = txz_path
+        if not self.dry:
+            with"r+b") as f:
+                # Zero the embedded timestamp in the gzip'ed tarball
+      , 0)
+                f.write(b"\x00\x00\x00\x00")
+    def create_dmg(self, configuration: str="Release") -> None:
+        dmg_in = self.root / self.release_info["dmg"]["path"]
+        xcode_project = self.root / self.release_info["dmg"]["project"]
+        assert xcode_project.is_dir(), f"{xcode_project} must be a directory"
+        assert (xcode_project / "project.pbxproj").is_file, f"{xcode_project} must contain project.pbxproj"
-["xcodebuild", "-project", str(self.root / "Xcode/SDL/SDL.xcodeproj"), "-target", "Standard DMG", "-configuration", configuration])
+        build_xcconfig = self.release_info["dmg"].get("build-xcconfig")
+        if build_xcconfig:
+            shutil.copy(self.root / build_xcconfig, xcode_project.parent / "build.xcconfig")
+        xcode_scheme = self.release_info["dmg"].get("scheme")
+        xcode_target = self.release_info["dmg"].get("target")
+        assert xcode_scheme or xcode_target, "dmg needs scheme or target"
+        assert not (xcode_scheme and xcode_target), "dmg cannot have both scheme and target set"
+        if xcode_scheme:
+            scheme_or_target = "-scheme"
+            target_like = xcode_scheme
+        else:
+            scheme_or_target = "-target"
+            target_like = xcode_target
+["xcodebuild", "ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO", "-project", xcode_project, scheme_or_target, target_like, "-configuration", configuration])
         if self.dry:
             dmg_in.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
@@ -294,225 +537,316 @@ def _tar_add_git_hash(self, tar_object: tarfile.TarFile, root: typing.Optional[s
         tar_info.mtime = int(time.timestamp())
         tar_object.addfile(tar_info, fileobj=io.BytesIO(self.git_hash_data))
-    def _zip_add_git_hash(self, zip_file: zipfile.ZipFile, root: typing.Optional[str]=None, time: typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]=None):
-        if not time:
-            time = datetime.datetime(year=2024, month=4, day=1)

(Patch may be truncated, please check the link at the top of this post.)