Sdl and openGl


I’m trying to load a texture with SDL to work with OpenGL. Well , my
question is , how do I load it or change it , to BGR from RGB. which
function should I use?
if the question been answered before ( I suppose ) just tell me where to
look for the answer
Thanks in advance

Mario Pozzo
Version 3.12
GCS/IT dx s:+ a-- C++ LU++ P+++ L++>+++ E— W N-- o–
K- w— O---- M- !V PS+++ PE-- Y-- PGP- t++ 5-- X R+
tv++ b+++ DI D++ G++ e++ h! z–


It’s a little bit of a mess given that SDL_Surface’s must be converted to
a format which can be uploaded first (RGB in this case), but that’s the
general idea. You can use the same method on surfaces loaded with
SDL_image’s IMG_Load. Or you can use DevIL, which is a little more
optimized for OpenGL and does not return SDL_Surfaces. Or you can pick up
one of the various Targa file loaders in various people’s FAQ’s (most of
them are not complete implementations, but several of them are good enough
for simple things…)On Sat, Apr 27, 2002 at 10:08:45PM -0300, Boris wrote:

I’m trying to load a texture with SDL to work with OpenGL. Well , my
question is , how do I load it or change it , to BGR from RGB. which
function should I use?
if the question been answered before ( I suppose ) just tell me where to
look for the answer

Joseph Carter Don’t feed the sigs

But modifying dpkg is infeasible, and we’ve agreed to, among other things,
keep the needs of our users at the forefront of our minds. And from a
user’s perspective, something that keeps the system tidy in the normal
case, and works now, is much better than idealistic fantasies like a
working dpkg.
– Manoj Srivastava

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