SDL Andriod touchscreen bug or is it the code?

Hello Dudes,

Been trying to fix this issue the last few days, been looking on the internet for code examples. Changed the code a heap of times, even posted here.

This is my new code everything with in the proper events it’s all working fine except one problem.

Touch2 Can’t seem the register the 1 / 3 of left hand side of screen.
Touch1 does the entire screen fine. Touch 1 and Touch 2 work fine as long as Touch2 is using 2 / 3 of screen on right side.


void Input::Core( bool &bGameRunning, int &iCurrentPlayer)

while ( SDL_PollEvent(&event) )
	if (event.type == SDL_QUIT)


	if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
		if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_AC_BACK )
			bGameRunning = false;

	if (event.type ==  SDL_FINGERDOWN)
		bFingerDown = true;

		device = SDL_GetTouchDevice(0);
		for (int i = 0; i < SDL_GetNumTouchFingers(device); i++)
			arnold[i] = SDL_GetTouchFinger(device, i);

			if (arnold[i] != NULL)
				if (i == 0)
					bf1 = true;
					iMouseX = Display0->GetScreenWidth() * arnold[i]->x;
					iMouseY = Display0->GetScreenHeight() * arnold[i]->y;

				if (i == 1)
					bf2 = true;
					iMouseX2 = Display0->GetScreenWidth() * arnold[i]->x;
					iMouseY2 = Display0->GetScreenHeight() * arnold[i]->y;

	if (event.type ==  SDL_FINGERMOTION)
		device = SDL_GetTouchDevice(0);
		for (int i = 0; i < SDL_GetNumTouchFingers(device); i++)
			arnold[i] = SDL_GetTouchFinger(device, i);

			if (arnold[i] != NULL)
				if (i == 0)
					bf1 = true;
					iMouseX = Display0->GetScreenWidth() * arnold[i]->x;
					iMouseY = Display0->GetScreenHeight() * arnold[i]->y;

				if (i == 1)
					bf2 = true;
					iMouseX2 = Display0->GetScreenWidth() * arnold[i]->x;
					iMouseY2 = Display0->GetScreenHeight() * arnold[i]->y;



	if (event.type == SDL_FINGERUP)
		if (event.tfinger.fingerId == -1 )
			bf1 = false;
			bf2 = false;

		if (event.tfinger.fingerId == 0 )
			bf1 = false; // ture

			//iMouseX = -1;
			//iMouseY = -1;

			bFingerDown = false;

		if (event.tfinger.fingerId == 1)
			//bf1 = true;
			bf2 = false; // false

			//iMouseX2 = -1;
			//iMouseY2 = -1;
		iMouseXold = -1;
		iMouseYold = -1;


Issue is Sorted, the issue is a HARDWARE LIMITATION ON MY android phone, I read a post on here, which gave me a hint. It’s like Dual Touch, but not FULL Support which was causing the issue. I ended up getting another device, which worked totally fine.

Hopefully this will help anyone in the future tearing their hair out. :stuck_out_tongue: