SDL App Metadata SDL3

Hello everyone, my first time here! I have a strange question. I used the first example from SDL3 example page with this line: SDL_SetAppMetadata("Example Renderer Clear", "1.0", \ "com.example.renderer-clear");
And I added the following line for testing
SDL_SetAppMetadataProperty(SDL_PROP_APP_METADATA_COPYRIGHT_STRING, "Copyright(c) 2025 Mishanya00, LLC");

As I expect after building this example I should see these metadata values in MyProgram.exe > Properties > Details fields but they are empty.

Is it supposed to work so or I confuse something, sorry for a meaningless question like this, I’m just curious.

The SDL3 metadata APIs only affect behavior of your program during runtime. To get metadata to show up in the Windows application properties window, you have to set up that info in your build system, entirely separately from the SDL3 metadata APIs, with a Windows resource file as part of your code.


I didnt know, thanks!