SDL: docs: Modernized and cleaned up the Markdown a little.

From cfdbd6accabefba8aef8ce48a46f2154d7a2f7ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Ryan C. Gordon" <[EMAIL REDACTED]>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2021 10:50:18 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] docs: Modernized and cleaned up the Markdown
 a little.

Reference #960.
 docs/ | 521 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 281 insertions(+), 240 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index ee4f669bb1..84435fe4cb 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -1,240 +1,281 @@
-Mac OS X
-These instructions are for people using Apple's Mac OS X (pronounced
-From the developer's point of view, OS X is a sort of hybrid Mac and
-Unix system, and you have the option of using either traditional
-command line tools or Apple's IDE Xcode.
-Command Line Build
-To build SDL using the command line, use the standard configure and make
-    ./configure
-    make
-    sudo make install
-You can also build SDL as a Universal library (a single binary for both
-32-bit and 64-bit Intel architectures), on Mac OS X 10.7 and newer, by using
-the script in build-scripts:
-    mkdir mybuild
-    cd mybuild
-    CC=$PWD/../build-scripts/ CXX=$PWD/../build-scripts/ ../configure
-    make
-    sudo make install
-This script builds SDL with 10.5 ABI compatibility on i386 and 10.6
-ABI compatibility on x86_64 architectures.  For best compatibility you
-should compile your application the same way.
-Please note that building SDL requires at least Xcode 4.6 and the 10.7 SDK
-(even if you target back to 10.5 systems). PowerPC support for Mac OS X has
-been officially dropped as of SDL 2.0.2.
-To use the library once it's built, you essential have two possibilities:
-use the traditional autoconf/automake/make method, or use Xcode.
-Caveats for using SDL with Mac OS X
-Some things you have to be aware of when using SDL on Mac OS X:
-- If you register your own NSApplicationDelegate (using [NSApp setDelegate:]),
-  SDL will not register its own. This means that SDL will not terminate using
-  SDL_Quit if it receives a termination request, it will terminate like a 
-  normal app, and it will not send a SDL_DROPFILE when you request to open a
-  file with the app. To solve these issues, put the following code in your 
-  NSApplicationDelegate implementation:
-    - (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication *)sender
-    {
-        if (SDL_GetEventState(SDL_QUIT) == SDL_ENABLE) {
-            SDL_Event event;
-            event.type = SDL_QUIT;
-            SDL_PushEvent(&event);
-        }
-        return NSTerminateCancel;
-    }
-    - (BOOL)application:(NSApplication *)theApplication openFile:(NSString *)filename
-    {
-        if (SDL_GetEventState(SDL_DROPFILE) == SDL_ENABLE) {
-            SDL_Event event;
-            event.type = SDL_DROPFILE;
-            event.drop.file = SDL_strdup([filename UTF8String]);
-            return (SDL_PushEvent(&event) > 0);
-        }
-        return NO;
-    }
-Using the Simple DirectMedia Layer with a traditional Makefile
-An existing autoconf/automake build system for your SDL app has good chances
-to work almost unchanged on OS X. However, to produce a "real" Mac OS X binary
-that you can distribute to users, you need to put the generated binary into a
-so called "bundle", which basically is a fancy folder with a name like
-To get this build automatically, add something like the following rule to
-    bundle_contents =
-    APP_NAME_bundle: EXE_NAME
-    	mkdir -p $(bundle_contents)/MacOS
-    	mkdir -p $(bundle_contents)/Resources
-    	echo "APPL????" > $(bundle_contents)/PkgInfo
-    	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $< $(bundle_contents)/MacOS/
-You should replace EXE_NAME with the name of the executable. APP_NAME is what
-will be visible to the user in the Finder. Usually it will be the same
-as EXE_NAME but capitalized. E.g. if EXE_NAME is "testgame" then APP_NAME 
-usually is "TestGame". You might also want to use `@PACKAGE@` to use the package
-name as specified in your file.
-If your project builds more than one application, you will have to do a bit
-more. For each of your target applications, you need a separate rule.
-If you want the created bundles to be installed, you may want to add this
-rule to your
-    install-exec-hook: APP_NAME_bundle
-    	rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/Applications/
-    	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/Applications/
-    	cp -r $< /$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)Applications/
-This rule takes the Bundle created by the rule from step 3 and installs them
-into "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/Applications/".
-Again, if you want to install multiple applications, you will have to augment
-the make rule accordingly.
-But beware! That is only part of the story! With the above, you end up with
-a bare bone .app bundle, which is double clickable from the Finder. But
-there are some more things you should do before shipping your product...
-1) The bundle right now probably is dynamically linked against SDL. That 
-   means that when you copy it to another computer, *it will not run*,
-   unless you also install SDL on that other computer. A good solution
-   for this dilemma is to static link against SDL. On OS X, you can
-   achieve that by linking against the libraries listed by
-       sdl-config --static-libs
-   instead of those listed by
-       sdl-config --libs
-   Depending on how exactly SDL is integrated into your build systems, the
-   way to achieve that varies, so I won't describe it here in detail
-2) Add an 'Info.plist' to your application. That is a special XML file which
-   contains some meta-information about your application (like some copyright
-   information, the version of your app, the name of an optional icon file,
-   and other things). Part of that information is displayed by the Finder
-   when you click on the .app, or if you look at the "Get Info" window.
-   More information about Info.plist files can be found on Apple's homepage.
-As a final remark, let me add that I use some of the techniques (and some
-variations of them) in Exult and ScummVM; both are available in source on
-the net, so feel free to take a peek at them for inspiration!
-Using the Simple DirectMedia Layer with Xcode
-These instructions are for using Apple's Xcode IDE to build SDL applications.
-- First steps
-The first thing to do is to unpack the Xcode.tar.gz archive in the
-top level SDL directory (where the Xcode.tar.gz archive resides).
-Because Stuffit Expander will unpack the archive into a subdirectory,
-you should unpack the archive manually from the command line:
-    cd [path_to_SDL_source]
-    tar zxf Xcode.tar.gz
-This will create a new folder called Xcode, which you can browse
-normally from the Finder.
-- Building the Framework
-The SDL Library is packaged as a framework bundle, an organized
-relocatable folder hierarchy of executable code, interface headers,
-and additional resources. For practical purposes, you can think of a 
-framework as a more user and system-friendly shared library, whose library
-file behaves more or less like a standard UNIX shared library.
-To build the framework, simply open the framework project and build it. 
-By default, the framework bundle "SDL.framework" is installed in 
-/Library/Frameworks. Therefore, the testers and project stationary expect
-it to be located there. However, it will function the same in any of the
-following locations:
-    ~/Library/Frameworks
-    /Local/Library/Frameworks
-    /System/Library/Frameworks
-- Build Options
-    There are two "Build Styles" (See the "Targets" tab) for SDL.
-    "Deployment" should be used if you aren't tweaking the SDL library.
-    "Development" should be used to debug SDL apps or the library itself.
-- Building the Testers
-    Open the SDLTest project and build away!
-- Using the Project Stationary
-    Copy the stationary to the indicated folders to access it from
-    the "New Project" and "Add target" menus. What could be easier?
-- Setting up a new project by hand
-    Some of you won't want to use the Stationary so I'll give some tips:
-    * Create a new "Cocoa Application"
-    * Add src/main/macosx/SDLMain.m , .h and .nib to your project
-    * Remove "main.c" from your project
-    * Remove "MainMenu.nib" from your project
-    * Add "$(HOME)/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Headers" to include path
-    * Add "$(HOME)/Library/Frameworks" to the frameworks search path
-    * Add "-framework SDL -framework Foundation -framework AppKit" to "OTHER_LDFLAGS"
-    * Set the "Main Nib File" under "Application Settings" to "SDLMain.nib"
-    * Add your files
-    * Clean and build
-- Building from command line
-    Use pbxbuild in the same directory as your .pbproj file
-- Running your app
-    You can send command line args to your app by either invoking it from
-    the command line (in *.app/Contents/MacOS) or by entering them in the
-    "Executables" panel of the target settings.
-- Implementation Notes
-    Some things that may be of interest about how it all works...
-    * Working directory
-        As defined in the SDL_main.m file, the working directory of your SDL app
-        is by default set to its parent. You may wish to change this to better
-        suit your needs.
-    * You have a Cocoa App!
-        Your SDL app is essentially a Cocoa application. When your app
-        starts up and the libraries finish loading, a Cocoa procedure is called,
-        which sets up the working directory and calls your main() method.
-        You are free to modify your Cocoa app with generally no consequence 
-        to SDL. You cannot, however, easily change the SDL window itself.
-        Functionality may be added in the future to help this.
-Known bugs are listed in the file "BUGS.txt".
+# Mac OS X (aka macOS).
+These instructions are for people using Apple's Mac OS X (pronounced
+"ten"), which in newer versions is just referred to as "macOS".
+From the developer's point of view, macOS is a sort of hybrid Mac and
+Unix system, and you have the option of using either traditional
+command line tools or Apple's IDE Xcode.
+# Command Line Build
+To build SDL using the command line, use the standard configure and make
+mkdir build
+cd build
+sudo make install
+CMake is also known to work, although it continues to be a work in progress:
+mkdir build
+cd build
+cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
+sudo make install
+You can also build SDL as a Universal library (a single binary for both
+64-bit Intel and ARM architectures), by using the build-scripts/
+mkdir build
+cd build
+CC=$PWD/../build-scripts/ ../configure
+sudo make install
+This script builds SDL with 10.6 ABI compatibility on 64-bit Intel and 11.0
+ABI compatibility on ARM64 architectures.  For best compatibility you
+should compile your application the same way.
+Please note that building SDL requires at least Xcode 4.6 and the 10.7 SDK
+(even if you target back to 10.6 systems). PowerPC support for Mac OS X has
+been officially dropped as of SDL 2.0.2. 32-bit Intel, using an older Xcode
+release, is still supported at the time of this writing, but current Xcode
+releases no longer support it, and eventually neither will SDL.
+To use the library once it's built, you essential have two possibilities:
+use the traditional autoconf/automake/make method, or use Xcode.
+# Caveats for using SDL with Mac OS X
+If you register your own NSApplicationDelegate (using [NSApp setDelegate:]),
+SDL will not register its own. This means that SDL will not terminate using
+SDL_Quit if it receives a termination request, it will terminate like a
+normal app, and it will not send a SDL_DROPFILE when you request to open a
+file with the app. To solve these issues, put the following code in your
+NSApplicationDelegate implementation:
+- (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication *)sender
+    if (SDL_GetEventState(SDL_QUIT) == SDL_ENABLE) {
+        SDL_Event event;
+        event.type = SDL_QUIT;
+        SDL_PushEvent(&event);
+    }
+    return NSTerminateCancel;
+- (BOOL)application:(NSApplication *)theApplication openFile:(NSString *)filename
+    if (SDL_GetEventState(SDL_DROPFILE) == SDL_ENABLE) {
+        SDL_Event event;
+        event.type = SDL_DROPFILE;
+        event.drop.file = SDL_strdup([filename UTF8String]);
+        return (SDL_PushEvent(&event) > 0);
+    }
+    return NO;
+# Using the Simple DirectMedia Layer with a traditional Makefile
+An existing autoconf/automake build system for your SDL app has good chances
+to work almost unchanged on macOS. However, to produce a "real" Mac binary
+that you can distribute to users, you need to put the generated binary into a
+so called "bundle", which is basically a fancy folder with a name like
+To get this build automatically, add something like the following rule to
+bundle_contents =
+	mkdir -p $(bundle_contents)/MacOS
+	mkdir -p $(bundle_contents)/Resources
+	echo "APPL????" > $(bundle_contents)/PkgInfo
+	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $< $(bundle_contents)/MacOS/
+You should replace `EXE_NAME` with the name of the executable. `APP_NAME` is
+what will be visible to the user in the Finder. Usually it will be the same
+as `EXE_NAME` but capitalized. E.g. if `EXE_NAME` is "testgame" then `APP_NAME`
+usually is "TestGame". You might also want to use `@PACKAGE@` to use the
+package name as specified in your file.
+If your project builds more than one application, you will have to do a bit
+more. For each of your target applications, you need a separate rule.
+If you want the created bundles to be installed, you may want to add this
+rule to your
+install-exec-hook: APP_NAME_bundle
+	rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/Applications/
+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/Applications/
+	cp -r $< /$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)Applications/
+This rule takes the Bundle created by the rule from step 3 and installs them
+into "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/Applications/".
+Again, if you want to install multiple applications, you will have to augment
+the make rule accordingly.
+But beware! That is only part of the story! With the above, you end up with
+a barebones .app bundle, which is double-clickable from the Finder. But
+there are some more things you should do before shipping your product...
+1. The bundle right now probably is dynamically linked against SDL. That
+   means that when you copy it to another computer, *it will not run*,
+   unless you also install SDL on that other computer. A good solution
+   for this dilemma is to static link against SDL. On OS X, you can
+   achieve that by linking against the libraries listed by
+   ```bash
+   sdl-config --static-libs
+   ```
+   instead of those listed by
+   ```bash
+   sdl-config --libs
+   ```
+   Depending on how exactly SDL is integrated into your build systems, the
+   way to achieve that varies, so I won't describe it here in detail
+2. Add an 'Info.plist' to your application. That is a special XML file which
+   contains some meta-information about your application (like some copyright
+   information, the version of your app, the name of an optional icon file,
+   and other things). Part of that information is displayed by the Finder
+   when you click on the .app, or if you look at the "Get Info" window.
+   More information about Info.plist files can be found on Apple's homepage.
+As a final remark, let me add that I use some of the techniques (and some
+variations of them) in [Exult]( and
+[ScummVM](; both are available in source on
+the net, so feel free to take a peek at them for inspiration!
+# Using the Simple DirectMedia Layer with Xcode
+These instructions are for using Apple's Xcode IDE to build SDL applications.
+## First steps
+The first thing to do is to unpack the Xcode.tar.gz archive in the
+top level SDL directory (where the Xcode.tar.gz archive resides).
+Because Stuffit Expander will unpack the archive into a subdirectory,
+you should unpack the archive manually from the command line:
+cd [path_to_SDL_source]
+tar zxf Xcode.tar.gz
+This will create a new folder called Xcode, which you can browse
+normally from the Finder.
+## Building the Framework
+The SDL Library is packaged as a framework bundle, an organized
+relocatable folder hierarchy of executable code, interface headers,
+and additional resources. For practical purposes, you can think of a 
+framework as a more user and system-friendly shared library, whose library
+file behaves more or less like a standard UNIX shared library.
+To build the framework, simply open the framework project and build it. 
+By default, the framework bundle "SDL.framework" is installed in 
+/Library/Frameworks. Therefore, the testers and project stationary expect
+it to be located there. However, it will function the same in any of the
+following locations:
+* ~/Library/Frameworks
+* /Local/Library/Frameworks
+* /System/Library/Frameworks
+## Build Options
+There are two "Build Styles" (See the "Targets" tab) for SDL.
+"Deployment" should be used if you aren't tweaking the SDL library.
+"Development" should be used to debug SDL apps or the library itself.
+## Building the Testers
+Open the SDLTest project and build away!
+## Using the Project Stationary
+Copy the stationary to the indicated folders to access it from
+the "New Project" and "Add target" menus. What could be easier?
+## Setting up a new project by hand
+Some of you won't want to use the Stationary so I'll give some tips:
+* Create a new "Cocoa Application"
+* Remove "main.c" from your project
+* Remove "MainMenu.nib" from your project
+* Add "$(HOME)/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Headers" to include path
+* Add "$(HOME)/Library/Frameworks" to the frameworks search path
+* Add "-framework SDL -framework Foundation -framework AppKit" to "OTHER_LDFLAGS"
+* Set the "Main Nib File" under "Application Settings" to "SDLMain.nib"
+* Add your files
+* Clean and build
+## Building from command line
+Use `xcode-build` in the same directory as your .pbxproj file
+## Running your app
+You can send command line args to your app by either invoking it from
+the command line (in *.app/Contents/MacOS) or by entering them in the
+Executables" panel of the target settings.
+# Implementation Notes
+Some things that may be of interest about how it all works...
+## Working directory
+In SDL 1.2, the working directory of your SDL app is by default set to its
+parent, but this is no longer the case in SDL 2.0. SDL2 does change the
+working directory, which means it'll be whatever the command line prompt
+that launched the program was using, or if launched by double-clicking in
+the finger, it will be "/", the _root of the filesystem_. Plan accordingly!
+You can use SDL_GetBasePath() to find where the program is running from and
+chdir() there directly.
+## You have a Cocoa App!
+Your SDL app is essentially a Cocoa application. When your app
+starts up and the libraries finish loading, a Cocoa procedure is called,
+which sets up the working directory and calls your main() method.
+You are free to modify your Cocoa app with generally no consequence
+to SDL. You cannot, however, easily change the SDL window itself.
+Functionality may be added in the future to help this.
+# Bug reports
+Bugs are tracked at [the GitHub issue tracker](
+Please feel free to report bugs there!