SDL_Events and Portaudio?

This will loop infinitely. finished never gets sent to 1, because the
key-down never gets handled, because it never goes back to the
SDL_PollEvent. You seem to be thinking the event loop will run in
parallel automatically, but it won’t. If PortAudio is using a callback
already, you may be able to just return to the event loop during that time,
and have a different function called to close the stream and free the
buffer when finished. Failing that, you may be able to run the audio in a
separate thread; see (may be slightly
out of date).

Note that SDL also provides its own audio functionality, which
uses a callback interface and runs in its own thread automatically. See (again, may be slightly out of date).

—> Drake WilsonOn Thu, Jun 10, 2004 at 09:18:55PM +0200, Maciej Szupienko wrote:

while(finished==0) {}


I have problem with events using PortAudio and SDL libraries. In this code:

while(done == 0)




if(event.type == SDL_QUIT) done=1;

if(event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)


if(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_UP)   snd.init();       

if(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_DOWN)     finished=1;



When I press UP Array the function snd.init() is called. But meanwhile I
can’t press any other keys (for example DOWN Array) to finish this function.
In function snd.init() I’m opening an audio stream:

void SOUND_echo::init()


numBytes = buf_len * sizeof(float);

circ_buf = (float *) malloc( numBytes );

finished=0;                                //1 konczy program


Pa_OpenStream( &stream, Pa_GetDefaultInputDeviceID(), NUM_CHANNELS,


          Pa_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID(), NUM_CHANNELS, PA_SAMPLE_TYPE,

NULL, samp_freq,

          FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, 0, 0, AudioCallback, NULL);        

Pa_StartStream( stream );

while(finished==0) {}

Pa_CloseStream( stream );



And the function AudioCallback should finish when (finished == 0):

int SOUND_echo::AudioCallback( void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer,
unsigned long framesPerBuffer,

                           PaTimestamp outTime, void *userData )


float *input = (float*)inputBuffer;                           

float *output = (float*)outputBuffer; 

int m=0;

for(m=0; m<framesPerBuffer; m++)


  circ_buf[bindex] = input[m]; 





    output[m] = (volume * circ_buf[bindex]) / 10;





    output[m] = (volume * circ_buf[bindex]) / 10;



 return finished;


There has to be some way to control this function using SDL events? I want
to start and stop it using UP Array and DOWN Array respectively.

Thanks for any help
