…do we need both of these? I’m thinking we should delete


I was under the impression that they refer to reasonably different
things; SDL_GL_CONTEXT_EGL meaning “we’re going to be using libEGL and
libGLESvX, so set up an EGL context”, and SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_ES
meaning “we’re going to be using libGL and whatever native backend
that has, but try and enable that weird sometimes-works flag to limit
calls to the GL ES subset”. In either case, you wouldn’t want one
option to try and substitute for the other, as the application itself
would be linked to just one of libGL or libGLESvX.On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 3:04 AM, Ryan C. Gordon wrote:

…do we need both of these? I’m thinking we should delete


SDL mailing list
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In the past the situation was simple: OpenGL contexts had to be created via wGL/GLX, and OpenGLES contexts had to be created via EGL. Now both APIs have been extended to allow the creation of both types of contexts, (via GLX_EXT_create_context_es_profile resp. EGL_KHR_create_context).

Now if driver vendors would universally support those extensions, SDL could just pick one API per platform and create the kind of context requested, but unfortunately the situation on the desktop is that ATI supports OpenGLES only via EGL and Nvidia supports OpenGLES only via wGL (and AFAIK Intel doesn’t support OpenGLES at all).

Now if driver vendors would universally support those extensions, SDL could
just pick one API per platform and create the kind of context requested, but
unfortunately the situation on the desktop is that ATI supports OpenGLES
only via EGL and Nvidia supports OpenGLES only via wGL (and AFAIK Intel
doesn’t support OpenGLES at all).

While there’s no first-party support from Intel per se, there’s the
ANGLE project ( ) implementing
libEGL and libGLESv2 on top of D3D9, for the benefit of chips with
exceedingly poor GL support. No idea if anyone outside of Mozilla and
Google bundle it with their software, but it’d be pretty cool if it