SDL_image && PNG alpha transparency

Is SDL_image capable of loading the alpha channel of a PNG? Looking at
the docs and the source it appears that it is, but when I actually
load a PNG with alpha the alpha gets lost. Am I doing something wrong?


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Blitting PNG with alpha channel works for me.
Check that you are not using SDL_DisplayFormat to copy the surface, as this
destroys the alpha clannel.> -----Original Message-----

From: Daniel Arbuckle [SMTP:djarb at]
Sent: 25. januar 2000 16:10
To: sdl at
Subject: [SDL] SDL_image && PNG alpha transparency

Is SDL_image capable of loading the alpha channel of a PNG? Looking at
the docs and the source it appears that it is, but when I actually
load a PNG with alpha the alpha gets lost. Am I doing something wrong?



Ah, that’s the problem. Thanks.

DanielOn Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 08:40:20AM +0100, Robert Hopland wrote:

Blitting PNG with alpha channel works for me.
Check that you are not using SDL_DisplayFormat to copy the surface, as this
destroys the alpha clannel.

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Arbuckle [SMTP:@Daniel_Arbuckle]
Sent: 25. januar 2000 16:10
To: sdl at
Subject: [SDL] SDL_image && PNG alpha transparency

Is SDL_image capable of loading the alpha channel of a PNG? Looking at
the docs and the source it appears that it is, but when I actually
load a PNG with alpha the alpha gets lost. Am I doing something wrong?


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