SDL_JoystickUpdate vs SDL_JoystickClose use-after-free?

I’m very occasionally seeing crashes in SDL_JoystickUpdate, usually during shutdown of our app, where joystick will suddenly be filled with 0xdd repeating (Windows debug heap free-fill).

In SDL_JoystickUpdate, it happens in this code:

/* If any joysticks were closed while updating, free them here */
for (joystick = SDL_joysticks; joystick; joystick = joystick->next) {
    if (joystick->ref_count <= 0) {

Inside SDL_JoystickClose, it seems likely to SDL_free(joystick);; if I’m understanding things correctly, that invalidates that outer joystick pointer before the joystick = joystick->next?

I changed the code to this, and it seems to have resolved the problem (although it’s a bit low-repro, so not sure):

/* If any joysticks were closed while updating, free them here */
for (joystick = SDL_joysticks; joystick; ) {
    next_joystick = joystick->next;
    if (joystick->ref_count <= 0) {
    joystick = next_joystick;

Thoughts? Should I file a bug? Upstream a patch? Other? =)