SDL key events and alternate graphic/combo keys

Hi all,

I have a problem with the keysyms reported by SDL key down/key up
events: For any specific (physical) key on my keyboard, which has an
alternate graphic, the keysym is always the same, regardless of the
currently active modifier or key combo.

On most german keyboards, ALTGR+Q should represent the AT sign @, but if
I press this, I get a key down event for ALTGR (ok) and then another for
SDLK_q. The same applies to US keyboard layouts: If I want to get the AT
sign there, I would have to press SHIFT+2 (on most layouts), but again,
I only get SDL key events with keysyms for SHIFT (left or right) and the
numeric key SDLK_2.

Is there some way to set SDL to consider the modifier keys when
determining the keysym? If this is not possible, does anyone have a
portable solution to getting the appropriate keysym for a key combo?

Best regards,


Probably the simplest answer would be to use the unicode character and
not worry about the keysym itself. Here’s how I do it (it’s kind of a
hack, IMO):

// somewhere in your init code

// where you process keyboard input
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event))
if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
switch(event.key.keysym.unicode) // BTW, if you AND this
with 0xff80 and get zero, it’s an ascii character!
case ‘@’: // each case has the resulting character
from whatever key combo is pressed
// do whatever here


-JustinOn Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Matthias Schweinoch <matthias.schweinoch at> wrote:

Hi all,

I have a problem with the keysyms reported by SDL key down/key up events:
For any specific (physical) key on my keyboard, which has an alternate
graphic, the keysym is always the same, regardless of the currently active
modifier or key combo.

On most german keyboards, ALTGR+Q should represent the AT sign @, but if I
press this, I get a key down event for ALTGR (ok) and then another for
SDLK_q. The same applies to US keyboard layouts: If I want to get the AT
sign there, I would have to press SHIFT+2 (on most layouts), but again, I
only get SDL key events with keysyms for SHIFT (left or right) and the
numeric key SDLK_2.

Is there some way to set SDL to consider the modifier keys when determining
the keysym? If this is not possible, does anyone have a portable solution to
getting the appropriate keysym for a key combo?

Best regards,


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