SDL landscape mode on iphone

Reading the recent posts of the list it seems that the SDL landscape mode
for iphone was “ready”, so I got the last HG (less than 12 hours ago), built
SDL and start trying to use it.

I’ve seen that the system reports both 480x320 / 320x480, so I thought that
was enough to “activate” it simply request a SDL_Window of 480x320 instead
of 320x480, but the simulator still shows me part of the window in portrait
mode, so I tried to force landscape mode configuring
LandscapeOrientationRight and HideStatusBar in the Info.plist.

The simulator now starts in landscape mode, but my window is still in
"portrait", I also had to specify SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS to make the
statusbar disappear.

Looking inside the HG repository history it seems that Ryan updated some
code for landscape mode, in particular I found the code to “rotate” the
window with SDL_WINDOW_RESIZED, so I tried to make my app handle
SDL_WINDOW_RESIZED but the event never fires so I keep staying “portrait”.

Can someone give me some hints?

Do we still need to rotate our bitmaps and our touch coordinates ourselves
with the current version?

Thanks in advance,

Hi,On 4/12/11 9:38 AM, Gabriele Greco wrote:

Looking inside the HG repository history it seems that Ryan updated some
code for landscape mode, in particular I found the code to “rotate” the
window with SDL_WINDOW_RESIZED, so I tried to make my app handle
SDL_WINDOW_RESIZED but the event never fires so I keep staying “portrait”.
The event fired is SDL_WINDOWEVENT, that event structure has an extra
field called window.event which then is SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED for the
rotation of the screen.


code for landscape mode, in particular I found the code to “rotate” the
window with SDL_WINDOW_RESIZED, so I tried to make my app handle
SDL_WINDOW_RESIZED but the event never fires so I keep staying
The event fired is SDL_WINDOWEVENT, that event structure has an extra
field called window.event which then is SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED for the
rotation of the screen.

I’ve been able to use “landscape mode” with SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE, but not

I’ve looked at the sources and it seems the problem is related to the fact
that also if you FORCE landscape mode in your Info.plist when
SDL_uikitwindow.m:SetupWindowData is called the orientation is still

It becomes “landscape” with an event that is fired maybe once the view is
created, but since didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation does nothing if
SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE is not set the app remain in portrait mode with part of
the view offscreen.

I’ve a few problems with mouse events also if I use SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE in
landscape mode:

I cannot get mouse clicks if x > 320 in LandscapeRight, and with X < 160 in

Anyway I’m working on it to provide a patch.–
Ing. Gabriele Greco, DARTS Engineering
Tel: +39-0105761240 Fax: +39-0105760224
s-mail: Via G.T. Invrea 14 - 16129 GENOVA (ITALY)