SDL_Overlay, SDL_CreateYUVOverlay, SDL_LockYUVOverlay

Hi, I am new to SDL. I am trying to compile libdash, which uses SDL, with latest SDL library (1.3), and now got undeclared identifiers,
SDL_Overlay, SDL_CreateYUVOverlay, SDL_LockYUVOverlay…

Any ideas? TIA.

SDL 1.3 now named SDL 2.0 does not have SDL_CreateYUVOverlay,
SDL_LockYUVOverlay,SDL_Overlay.You can use streaming textures for that.

Have a look Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 6:44 PM, ah6511 <andy.y.huang at> wrote:

Hi, I am new to SDL. I am trying to compile libdash, which uses SDL, with
latest SDL library (1.3), and now got undeclared identifiers,
SDL_Overlay, SDL_CreateYUVOverlay, SDL_LockYUVOverlay…

Any ideas? TIA.

SDL mailing list
SDL at

The rendering result based on the sample code is not good, all grey scaled. If I have AVFrame object for each video frame, what is the best way to render it?

the sample works fine with color. are you passing monochrome=true or something?

you render video the same way you render anything else. Dimitris already pointed out that you should use streaming textures for video. you create a texture of the format your video data is in then use the SDL_LockTexture to write new frame data to it as it is decoded. (decoding isnt part of the SDL api btw)

To give you more help we would need to know the format of the video data. maybe some code?