Sdljava-0.9.1 released!


I’m happy to announce the next release of sdljava - sdljava-0.9.1

sdljava is a java binding to the SDL API. This release includes many
new features. The major changes were the removal of the dependency on
JDK 1.5 and the addition of the OpenGL binding via GLEW
( and a binding to FTGL

Also a new developer has joined the team: Bart LEBEOUF bartleboeuf at Bart has helped create the build environments on the
windows side as well many additions in various places in the codebase.

I hope you find this usefull. Please send any questions to the
mailing list.


* added jniclasscode pragma’s to swig interface (.i) files which call
System.loadLibrary for the appropriate lib. Now there is no need to
call System.loadLibrary explictly from code which utilizes sdljava

* added new methods to SDLMixer (SDLMixer version requirement is still
    public static MixChunk loadWAV(Buffer buf) throws SDLException
    public static MixChunk loadWAV(byte[] data) throws SDLException
    public static MixChunk loadWAV(URL url) throws SDLException, 

IOException, MalformedURLException
public static MixChunk loadWAV(InputStream in) throws
SDLException, IOException

    public static MixMusic loadMUS(Buffer buf) throws SDLException {
    public static MixMusic loadMUS(byte[] data) throws SDLException
    public static MixMusic loadMUS(URL url) throws SDLException, 

IOException, MalformedURLException
public static MixMusic loadMUS(InputStream in) throws
SDLException, IOException

* added new methods to SDLImage
    public static SDLSurface load(Buffer buf) throws SDLException
    public static SDLSurface load(byte[] data) throws SDLException
    public static SDLSurface load(URL url) throws SDLException, 

IOException, MalformedURLException
public static SDLSurface load(InputStream in ) throws
SDLException, IOException

* JDK 1.5 enumerations removed.  Any existing code which used these
  enumerations needs to be slightly modified.  Please see tests for
  examples of how to use.

    *       is no longer a JDK 1.5 enumeration
    *    is no longer a JDK 1.5 enumeration
    *    is no longer a JDK 1.5 enumeration
    * is no longer a JDK 1.5 enumeration
    *  is no longer a JDK 1.5 enumeration
    *         is no longer a JDK 1.5 enumeration
        method eventState now takes an int for the event type
        method getKeyName now takes an int
        method getType now returns an int
* ALL JDK 1.5 dependencies removed.  JDK 1.5 is no longer required!!

* OpenGL 1.1 Support added!!!
    * new methods on SDLSurface getGL() and glSwapBuffers() to access

* changed readInputStream() so that when it created
  the ByteBuffer to ordering is set to the native byte order.

* SDLSurface added mustLock() method

* integrated patch from Robert Schuster
  <theBohemian at> which fixed the problem of loading byte
  streams from URLs over the network.  Thanks Robert!

* SDLSurface added ByteBuffer getPixelData() method which returns
  direct byte buffer for pixel data access!  Removed
  get/setPixelDataXXXX() methods

* FTGL binding added 

Font support is now available for OpenGL binding. Check out
FTGLTest example code.

* Moved gljava and ftgl build to src/org/gljava/opengl/native directory

* Added ability to disable automatic loading of shared library.
  Specify -Dsdljava.bootclasspath=true (or any value) to the java vm
  and no shared  libraries will be loaded.  
  Thanks to St?phane Meslin-Weber <steph at> for the

* added org.gljava.opengl.model package to faciliate dealing with 3D
  model data.  Also added blender export script which
  exports xml format file which can be imported by XMLModelLoader in
  same pacakge.  (there is much to be done here stil...)

* added DebugGL for debug pipeline support.  Please see source file
  for documentatin.

* Changed methods in SDLGfx which took short[] to take ShortBuffer
instances instead.  Note:  these methods are currently not working.

* added version API; SDLMain.getSDLVersion(), 

SDLMixer.getMixVersion(), SDLTTF.getTTFVersion()

Required/Recommended Libraries: (higher version should be fine)

- Java 1.4
- SDL 1.2.7

- GLEW 1.3.1 ( for OpenGL Support (optional)
- FTGL 2.1.3 ( 

for FreeType font Support w/OpenGL (optional)

- SDL_image 1.2.3 (optional)
- SDL_mixer 1.2.5 (optional)
- SDL_ttf 2.0.6   (optional)
- SDL_gfx 2.0.13  (optional)

- Ant 1.6.2       (optional, only if you need want to compile
           java sources)
- SWIG 1.3.22     (optional, only if you want to re-generate
              native layer)
- Ruby 1.8.2      (optional, only if you want to re-generate
                  SOME of native layer)