Sdlperl, anywhere?


i wrote some perl bindings for a “linux only” library
that reads an AVI frame by frame and can export the
RGB data, so an SDL::Surface can be created with it.

Now i’d like to implement the reverse way, to let
SDL::Surface export the RGB data and generate an AVI
from it.

  • seems to be down, anybody knows when it’ll
    be up again?

  • Does anybody know how to contact the authors of sdlperl?
    The address at sourceforge only gives me a timeout.

  • Where can i download the sources for the perl bindings
    of SDL? They were already installed with my distribution.

  • On sourceforge, it seems there’s only version 1.12 available,
    where can i get the latest version?

Thanks for any hints,

  • Where can i download the sources for the perl bindings
    of SDL? They were already installed with my distribution.

  • On sourceforge, it seems there’s only version 1.12 available,
    where can i get the latest version?

Don`t know, but if 1.20 is the last release you can find it easily with
a search machine. Also Debian, SuSE and other are hosting the sources of
every kind of software, they are distributing.
Overview about sdlperl: (maybe still down)
(mirror near to you)On Sat, 22 Nov 2003 18:35:31 +0100 Torsten Mohr wrote: