SEL question


I think this questions it’s a little OT but it’s related to SDL :slight_smile:

I’m using SEL library (SDL Extensions Library). I’m interested
in the UTA section because i’m trying to get a non-overlapped list
of rects from an arbitrary list of rects.

For instance, the next list:

(1) uta += Rect (30, 60, 60, 60);
(2) uta += Rect (50, 20, 60, 80);
(3) uta += Rect (70, 40, 60, 40);

The ascii representation could be:±------------+
| |
| (2) ±-----±----+
| | |
±—±-----±–+ (3) |
| | |
| | |
| ±-±----+
| (1) | |
| ±-+
| |
| |

and I want the minimal rectangle set without overlapping. It
could be a 6 rectangle list:

   |             |
   |      |            |

| | |
| | |
| ±-±----+
| | |
| ±-+
| |
| |

With the SEL functionality i get a very close list but some rects
include more area than the input list. The result list is:

  1. 50, 20, 60, 12
  2. 30, 60, 2, 4
  3. 32, 32, 96, 32
  4. 128, 40, 2, 40
  5. 30, 64, 98, 32
  6. 30, 96, 66, 24
  7. 96, 96, 14, 4

You can check that, for instance, result rect(3) covers an area no
corresponding to any rect in the first list. Is there some way to
get only the area corresponding to the input rect list ? Anybody
has some experience with this library module ? Or another way to
get this kind of lists ?

Jorge Fernandez

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