Slack 8 and bugs

Hello sdl,

i cannot compile any sdl test program - it display me to check
sdl-config in /usr/local/bin

even if i have sdl include files and libraries in my /usr/include
and /usr/lib it still does not detect sdl installed. why ?–
Best regards,
palpetine mailto:@palpetine

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I’m also using slack 8, and it works fine for me. I compiled my own
SDL. All the libs and headers are in /usr/local/lib and
/usr/local/include, and my has /usr/local/lib in it. What’s
the output of ‘which sdl-config’? If it says 'no sdl-config in ', then it’s possible your PATH variable is messed up and
it can’t run sdl-config because it doesn’t know where it is.

Michael Vieths
Foeclan at

palpetine wrote:>Hello sdl,

i cannot compile any sdl test program - it display me to check
sdl-config in /usr/local/bin

even if i have sdl include files and libraries in my /usr/include
and /usr/lib it still does not detect sdl installed. why ?

Hello sdl,

i cannot compile any sdl test program - it display me to check
sdl-config in /usr/local/bin

even if i have sdl include files and libraries in my /usr/include
and /usr/lib it still does not detect sdl installed. why ?

If you installed from RPM, did you install both SDL and SDL-devel RPMs?

See ya,
-Sam Lantinga, Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment

palpetine wrote:

Hello sdl,

i cannot compile any sdl test program - it display me to check
sdl-config in /usr/local/bin

even if i have sdl include files and libraries in my /usr/include
and /usr/lib it still does not detect sdl installed. why ?

slackware has one bug in the /etc/
it’s missing the following line:


add that line to /etc/ then run ldconfig.
also reinstall SDL from the source tar.gz or from the CVS…this is a good thing to do.

after that, running “hash -r” in any bash shells that insist that sdl-config is /usr/bin/sdl-config may help.
assuming you install SDL to the default --prefix which is /usr/local/–
Jon Atkins