[solved] Load_library[]: Library 'libSDL2_ttf.so' not found

I’m rather new to Android development, though I have successfully built a couple basic SDL apps for my Droid4 4.1.2 phone so far. However, I have now run up against a problem when attempting to use SDL2_ttf. The build succeeds and app-debug.apk is installed to the phone. Upon running though, the following error is displayed:

SDL Error

An error occurred while trying to start the
application. Please try again and/or reinstall.

Error: Cannnot load library:
link_image[1895]:  216 could not load needed library
'libSDL2_ttf.so' for 'libmain.so' (load_library[1097]:
Library 'libSDL2_ttf.so' not found)

The libSDL2_ttf.so file is getting into app-debug.apk, as can be below, so I’m clueless as to why it can’t be found.

$ unzip -l ./app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk \*libSDL2_ttf.so
Archive:  ./app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
   587260  1980-00-00 00:00   lib/armeabi-v7a/libSDL2_ttf.so
   620020  1980-00-00 00:00   lib/armeabi/libSDL2_ttf.so
  1181024  1980-00-00 00:00   lib/mips/libSDL2_ttf.so
   771476  1980-00-00 00:00   lib/x86/libSDL2_ttf.so

I’ve put the full source at http://rut.org/min.c

The exact steps I’m using for the build are:

 androidbuild.sh org.rut.min min.c /usr/include/SDL2/SDL_ttf.h
 cd /home/me/SDL2-2.0.8/build/org.rut.min
 ln -s /home/me/SDL2_ttf-2.0.14/ app/jni/SDL_ttf
 ln -s . app/jni/src/SDL2
 sed -i 's/^LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES.*/& SDL2_ttf/' app/jni/src/Android.mk
 ./gradlew installDebug

The solution turned out to be that I needed to edit app/src/main/java/org/libsdl/app/SDLActivity.java and uncomment the line referencing SDL2_ttf.

protected String[] getLibraries() {
    return new String[] {
        // "SDL2_image",
        // "SDL2_mixer",
        // "SDL2_net",
        // "SDL2_ttf",

After uncommenting that line, the library gets loaded at runtime on my phone.