Song switching

That is basically what the player class already

Pseudo code:

Player::play_song(Song *s) {
if (current_song != 0) {
->call SDL_Music stop
->free current_song via SDL_Mixer
->allocate SDL_Music Handle by s->Path()
->store the new handle in current_song
->play current_song via SDL_Mixer

So i assumed that Mix_StopMusic (not having the exact
name iin mind) stops the current played music. And i
could proceed with loading the new music.

Maybe i should delay the freeing of the old song
by some predefined amount of time until all the data
in the internal mixer buffers by the old file is out.

What do you think ?

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Add these member variables to your Player class:

bool swapping_songs

Recreate play_song like this:

Player::play_song(Song *s) {

if (swapping_songs)

if (current_song != 0) {
->call SDL_Music stop
->free current_song via SDL_Mixer

->allocate SDL_Music Handle by s->Path()
->store the new handle in current_song
->play current_song via SDL_Mixer
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First off I’d like to say that I may have accidentally
sent an unfinished version of this email, you can
ignore it.

Add these member variables to your Player class:
song *next_song
bool swapping_songs

Recreate play_song like this:

Player::play_song(Song *s) {
next_song = s;

if (swapping_songs) return;
swapping_songs = true;

if (current_song) {
->call SDL_Music stop
->free current_song via SDL_Mixer

while (next_song)
s = next_song;
next_song = NULL;

->allocate SDL_Music Handle by s->Path()
->store the new handle in current_song
->play current_song via SDL_Mixer


swapping_songs = true;
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The last line should say “swapping_songs = false”__________________________________
Do you Yahoo!?
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