Sprite Jittering(Tearing) Problem Still Occur s. (I wrote that problem yesterday.)

Hi. i wrote my problem yesterday.

I changed Framerate Regulation code ‘while loop’ to ‘FPS Manager’.

but Sprite moving is still Jittering.

Though I removed the code about Framerate, but Still Jittering.

below is My Code From My Project includes more detail sprite draw code.
I process the sprite x,y position ‘double’. ( (int) casted.)

My Development Environment is MS Visual Studio 2010, Windows 7.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if (bFullScreen == true) { pSurface = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, bpp, SDL_ANYFORMAT | SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF | SDL_FULLSCREEN); } else { pSurface = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, bpp, SDL_ANYFORMAT | SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF); } below is the main logic of Draw Sprites and Regulating Framerate. static int iFrameCount = 0; static Uint32 iFrameOldTime; static Uint32 iAccumulatedTime = 0;
FPSmanager MyFPS; SDL_initFramerate(&MyFPS); SDL_setFramerate(&MyFPS,60);
while (bRunning) { iFrameOldTime = SDL_GetTicks(); if (bRunning == false) { return; } SDL_FillRect(pSurface, pSurface->clip_rect, SDL_MapRGB(pSurface->format, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); //draw the sprites. (player, enemy, bullets, …) below is example.
if (iCurrentFrameTime == iFrameChangeInterval)

if (iCurrentFrame == iMaxFrame)
	iCurrentFrame = 0;
iCurrentFrameTime = 0;


SDL_Rect rect1;
rect1.x = iCurrentFrame * width; //‘width’, ‘height’ is User-defined Sprite-part scale.
rect1.y = 0;
rect1.w = width;
rect1.h = height;

SDL_Rect rect2;
rect2.x = (int)dest_x; //‘dest_x’, ‘dest_y’ is double variables. but, Though I set them ‘int’, (e.g. int dest_x, int dest_y) the problem not solved.
rect2.y = (int)dest_y;

SDL_BlitSurface(ExampleSurface, &rect1, pSurface, &rect2); //‘pSurface’ is the game screen.
SDL_Flip(pSurface); iFrameCount++;
SDL_framerateDelay(&MyFPS);iFrameTime =
SDL_GetTicks() - iFrameOldTime;
iAccumulatedTime = iAccumulatedTime + iFrameTime; fFrameRate = (double)(iFrameCount) / (double)(iAccumulatedTime) / 1000.0); if (iAccumulatedTime >= 500) { iAccumulatedTime = 0; iFrameCount = 0; } }

How do dest_x and dest_y get changed? If motion is jerky, then we’d better
look at the code that produces the motion.

Jonny DOn Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 1:54 AM, axt32 wrote:

Hi. i wrote my problem yesterday.


I changed Framerate Regulation code ‘while loop’ to ‘FPS Manager’.

but Sprite moving is still Jittering.

Though I removed the code about Framerate, but Still Jittering.

below is My Code From My Project includes more detail sprite draw code.

I process the sprite x,y position ‘double’. ( (int) casted.)

My Development Environment is MS Visual Studio 2010, Windows 7.

if (bFullScreen == true)
pSurface = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, bpp, SDL_ANYFORMAT |
pSurface = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, bpp, SDL_ANYFORMAT |

below is the main logic of Draw Sprites and Regulating Framerate.

static int iFrameCount = 0;
static Uint32 iFrameOldTime;
static Uint32 iAccumulatedTime = 0;

FPSmanager MyFPS;

while (bRunning)

iFrameOldTime = SDL_GetTicks();

if (bRunning == false)
SDL_FillRect(pSurface, pSurface->clip_rect, SDL_MapRGB(pSurface->format,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00);

//draw the sprites. (player, enemy, bullets, …) below is example.

if (iCurrentFrameTime == iFrameChangeInterval)


  • iCurrentFrame++;*

  • if (iCurrentFrame == iMaxFrame)*

  • {*

  • iCurrentFrame = 0;*

  • }*

  • iCurrentFrameTime = 0;*




  • iCurrentFrameTime++;*


SDL_Rect rect1;

rect1.x = iCurrentFrame * width; //‘width’, ‘height’ is User-defined
Sprite-part scale.

rect1.y = 0;

rect1.w = width;

rect1.h = height;

SDL_Rect rect2;

*rect2.x = (int)dest_x; //‘dest_x’, ‘dest_y’ is
double variables. but, Though I set them ‘int’, (e.g. int dest_x, int
dest_y) the problem not solved. *

rect2.y = (int)dest_y;

SDL_BlitSurface(ExampleSurface, &rect1, pSurface, &rect2); //'pSurface’
is the game screen.


iFrameTime = SDL_GetTicks() - iFrameOldTime;

iAccumulatedTime = iAccumulatedTime + iFrameTime;
fFrameRate = (double)(iFrameCount) / (double)(iAccumulatedTime) / 1000.0);

if (iAccumulatedTime >= 500)
iAccumulatedTime = 0;
iFrameCount = 0;



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