Stable SDL GUI

I have been banging my head on this one all day, and have not found any
easy answer.

Question : Is there an easy way to move a window around that was created
through SDL? For example when an app is windowed that it can
remember and reset itself to the same screen location when launched.

So far i have looked through the list archive from now back to january,
tried google, and finally look through the source and found that
SDL_VIDEO_CENTER environment var (which seems to only work for X11) sets
up a window so that it centers on the screen. But thats not quite what i
was hoping for :slight_smile:

I also tried hacking SDL to a movewindow function, but my XLib
experience is very limited, in the end it didn’t work out.

Any insight, clues, sample apps, links to documentation would be


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Some time ago, this was listed in the faq but I can’t find it anymore.

If you habe looked through the list archive, you might have found this
posting about moving SDL windows under win32 and X11: Thursday 04 July 2002 03:43, draekko wrote:

Question : Is there an easy way to move a window around that was created
through SDL? For example when an app is windowed that it can
remember and reset itself to the same screen location when launched.

So far i have looked through the list archive from now back to january,
tried google, and finally look through the source and found that
SDL_VIDEO_CENTER environment var (which seems to only work for X11) sets
up a window so that it centers on the screen. But thats not quite what i
was hoping for :slight_smile:

I also tried hacking SDL to a movewindow function, but my XLib
experience is very limited, in the end it didn’t work out.

Any insight, clues, sample apps, links to documentation would be

Johannes Schmidt

< > Your widget set for OpenGL

Well, and how will this works
on OS X ? Just use Cocoa’s Window Functions ?

Johannes Schmidt wrote:> On Thursday 04 July 2002 03:43, draekko wrote:

Question : Is there an easy way to move a window around that was created
through SDL? For example when an app is windowed that it can
remember and reset itself to the same screen location when launched.

So far i have looked through the list archive from now back to january,
tried google, and finally look through the source and found that
SDL_VIDEO_CENTER environment var (which seems to only work for X11) sets
up a window so that it centers on the screen. But thats not quite what i
was hoping for :slight_smile:

I also tried hacking SDL to a movewindow function, but my XLib
experience is very limited, in the end it didn’t work out.

Any insight, clues, sample apps, links to documentation would be

Some time ago, this was listed in the faq but I can’t find it anymore.

If you habe looked through the list archive, you might have found this
posting about moving SDL windows under win32 and X11:

Lukas Westermann mailto:Lukas.Westermann at

AdNovum Informatik AG phone: +41 (1) 272 6111
Roentgenstrasse 22, CH-8005 Zuerich fax: +41 (1) 272 6312
AdNovum Software Inc. San Mateo, CA 94404 phone: +1 (650) 525 9322
1400 Fashion Island Boulevard, Suite 309 fax: +1 (650) 525 9324

Well i had looked through it :slight_smile: , i guess i missed it, thank you for the
information, this will indeed be very helpful.


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URL: Mon, 2002-07-15 at 07:02, Johannes Schmidt wrote:

On Thursday 04 July 2002 03:43, draekko wrote:

Question : Is there an easy way to move a window around that was created
through SDL? For example when an app is windowed that it can
remember and reset itself to the same screen location when launched.

So far i have looked through the list archive from now back to january,
tried google, and finally look through the source and found that
SDL_VIDEO_CENTER environment var (which seems to only work for X11) sets
up a window so that it centers on the screen. But thats not quite what i
was hoping for :slight_smile:

I also tried hacking SDL to a movewindow function, but my XLib
experience is very limited, in the end it didn’t work out.

Any insight, clues, sample apps, links to documentation would be

Some time ago, this was listed in the faq but I can’t find it anymore.

If you habe looked through the list archive, you might have found this
posting about moving SDL windows under win32 and X11: